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Is there a Broad Virtue Own Homes?

Is there a Broad Virtue Own Homes?

January 21, 2015Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal, MScKeluarga0 Comments

Is there a virtue has a spacious home? Or a good home should the broad?

In a hadith in the book Sunan described as follows,

عن عقبة بن عامر قال قلت يا رسول الله ما النجاة قال «أمسك عليك لسانك وليسعك بيتك وابك على خطيئتك»

From 'Uqbah bin' Amir, he said, "I once asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam," What is it because of safety? "He replied with his saying," (Salvation) that let you hold lisanmu, sibukkanlah your house of worship on God, and weep for your sins. "(HR. Tirmidhi, no. 2406 and Ahmad 5: 259-260. Abu 'Isa At-Tirmidhi said that this hadith is hasan. Al Hafiz Abu Thohir said that the sanad of this hadith is weak. As for Shaykh Al Albani assess this hadeeth saheeh).

There are three things that are the cause of salvation is to maintain oral so I can say that is true, then occupied by the house of worship, and wept for every sin.

Actually, in the hadith used the phrase 'walyasa'ka baytuk', the intention is leterlek is broaden your house. However, the scholars do not mean like that.

Ath Thibi explained that the order in question is for the home. But the question is made in house in order to stay comfortable in it with busy doing worship God and shun bad association. (See Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 7: 132)

Also described in Kunuz Riyadhish Sholihin (18: 132) that is the hadeeth is let away from human interaction if indeed by associating make our religion damaged. Sibukkanlah worship and associate themselves with that kind of shunned because it will only make us fall into the unfortunate and immoral.

There are four types of people who can get along with him and we sat there we must stay away from.

1- There are like the food we need day and night. When we have met the intent, then we leave. If we need it, then we will continue to need it.

2- There are like a drug that we need when sick. If healthy, we do not need to hang out with him. This type of person associated with worldly beneficiaries and something that we need.

3- There are like a disease that is not favorable in terms of religion and the world.

4- There are like poison. They are people who do not take the Apostle -shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam in charity. What makes something that no guidance as the teaching of the Apostle Apostle and make teaching as a heresy, which also makes the act ma'ruf become a munkar, while kemungkaran regarded as a virtue. This is mentioned by Ibn al-Qayyim, which we extracted from Kunuz Riyadhish Sholihin, 18: 136-138.

Tips to get along is hang out to grab yourself a favor and leave the association that only bring bad effects.

From the discussion above, it means a very deep understanding of the hadith that we adopted at the beginning. It turns out that demanded not spacious house, but the house that can be filled with obedience and worship.

Try our homes filled with reading the Qur'an, especially reading the Qur'an,

اقرءوا سورة البقرة فإن أخذها بركة وتركها حسرة ولا تستطيعها البطلة

"Read the letter al-Baqarah because who took it means he took the blessing. Who will regret leaving. Even magic can not beat the letter. "(HR. Muslim, no. 804).

From Abu Hurairah, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

لا تجعلوا بيوتكم مقابر إن الشيطان ينفر من البيت الذى تقرأ فيه سورة البقرة

"Janganalah make your house look like a cemetery because the demon fled from the house in which was read surah Al-Baqarah." (HR. Muslim, no. 1860)

Also at the same hadith above shows that our homes do not look like a cemetery that no prayer in it. Let our homes be filled with the sunnah prayers in it.

May Allah make our home into a spacious home that much filled with worship
Tag : dunia
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