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Book Thaharah Chapter Ablution, Bath and Tayamum

Book Thaharah

Chapter Ablution, Bath and Tayamum [1]

By: Umm Abdirrahman Nurul Husna Zulfahmil [2]

بسم الله لرحمن لرحيم


Understanding and postulate disyariatkannya

Ablution in language: from the origin of the word "al wadaa'ah", ie cleanliness and freshness.

In terms: Using water to certain members (face, hands, head and legs) removes what is blocking for prayers and much more.

Evidence of the Quran and Sunnah:

     Al Quran surah Al-Maidah verse 6

يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا قمتم إلى الصلاة فاغسلوا وجوهكم وأيديكم إلى المرافق وامسحوا برؤوسكم وأرجلكم إلى الكعبين

"O ye who believe, if you want to do prayers, then wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, rub your heads and (wash) your feet up to the ankles"

     Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 135: 225

وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا تقبل صلاة أحدكم إذا أحدث حتى يتوضأ

"There will be accepted pray someone who berhadas so he made ablution".

The virtue of Wudu:

     Purification is half of faith. (Sahih Muslim: 223)
     Removing small sins. (Sahih Muslim: 244)
     Lifting derjad a servant. (Sahih Muslim: 251)
     The road to heaven. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 1149: 2458)
     Distinctive mark this nation when they came to the lake. (Sahih Muslim: 234)
     Light for a servant in the Day of Judgment. (Sahih Muslim: 250)
     For bonding opener satan. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 1142: 776)

The nature of a complete or perfect ablution:
أن حمران مولى عثمان أخبره أن عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه دعا بوضوء فتوضأ فغسل كفيه ثلاث مرات ثم مضمض واستنثر ثم غسل وجهه ثلاث مرات ثم غسل يده اليمنى إلى المرفق ثلاث مرات ثم غسل يده اليسرى مثل ذلك ثم مسح رأسه ثم غسل رجله اليمنى إلى الكعبين ثلاث مرات ثم غسل اليسرى مثل ذلك ثم قال رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم توضأ نحو وضوئي هذا ثم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من توضأ نحو وضوئي هذا ثم قام فركع ركعتين لا يحدث فيهما نفسه غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه قال ابن شهاب وكان علماؤنا يقولون هذا الوضوء أسبغ ما يتوضأ به أحد للصلاة

"Humran slave Uthman, had told him, that Uthman ibn Affan asking for berwudlu water, then he washed his two hands three times, then rinse his mouth and memasuk and removing water from the nose. Then he washed the face three times and washed his right arm up to the elbow three times. After that, he washed his left hand as he washed his right hand, then rubbed her head and wash your right foot up to the ankle three times. After that, he washed the feet of the left, just like washing the feet of his right. Then Uthman said, 'I never saw the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam berwudlu like the way I berwudlu. 'Then he said,' I've heard he sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever took wudlu like the way I berwudlu then he prayed two cycles and did not speak between wudlu and prayer, then God will forgive his sins that have been past '. "Ibn Shihab said," our scholars say,' this is wudlu wudlu most sempurnya committed by a person to perform the prayer . "(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 158 226)

The properties of wudu ':

     Intend (because it is a legitimate requirement of worship including wudu ') removes impurity (in the liver).

إنما الأعمال بالنيات, وإنما لكل امرئ ما نوى

"Any charity that depends on his intentions, and everyone just get fit intentions". (Reported by Bukhari: 1 and Saheeh Muslim: 1907)

2. Reading Bismillah.

3. Wash hands up to the wrist 3 times.

4. Take the water with his right hand to rinse his mouth, sipping water with the nose and then release it back to the left hand 3 times.

5. Wash the whole face three times.

6. Wash your hands up to the elbow (right-left).

7. Sweep whole head backward and forward on to the outer and inner ear.

8. Wash the feet up to the ankles and between toes (right-left).

Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah said: Intention place in the heart not in the tongue, has been agreed upon by the scholars. (Majmu 'arrosail al kubro: 1/243)

Faidahnya: If he melafazkan different from that in his heart so is considered is that in his heart.

Pillars of Wudu '

If one among these pillars stay, then batallah wudhu'nya. Among these pillars are:

     Wash the entire face of a hair growing up under the chin and from right ear to left ear. And shall rinse his mouth and washed his nose. (al-Maidah verse 6)
     Washing the hands up to the elbows. (al-Maidah verse 6)
     Sweeping head obligations agreed upon by scholars, but differ in size. (al-Maidah verse 6)

     Mandatory sweep all the heads of both men and women.
     Mandatory swept all heads just for men.
     Sweeps only part of the head.

     Sweeping ear. (daaruqutni: 1/97, hasan)
     Wash both feet to the ankles and between the toes. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 161: 241)
     Regularly. (Majmu ': 1/433, etc.)
     In parallel or separate from one pillar to the other pillars. (Sahih Muslim: 232)

Sunnah-sunnah Wudu ':

     Cleansing his teeth.
     Getting Started with Bismillah.
     Washing the hands. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 159: 226)
     Rinsing the mouth and nose of a detention wash water 3 times. (Sahih Muslim: 235)
     Exceeding rinse his mouth and washed his nose besides fasting person. (Abu Daud: 142, Saheeh)
     Putting the right than on the left. (Sahih Bukhari: 140)
     Wash 3 times. (Sahih Bukhari: 156)


     Sweeping head only once. (an-Nasa'i: 1/88, Saheeh)
     Makruh more than 3 times for those who complete wudhunya. (at-Tamhiid, Ibn abdilbaar: 20/117)

     Rubbed members of ablution. (Ibn Hiban: 1082, Saheeh)
     Clean between fingers and toes. (Sahih)
     Exceeding the required wash in place as the next head, above the elbow and above the ankle. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 36: 246)
     Efficient in the use of water. (Sahih Bukhari: 198)
     Praying after ablution. (Sahih Muslim: 234)
     Prayer 2 cycles after ablution. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 6433: 226)


- Allow drying former ablution. (Sahih Bukhari: 270)

- Unauthorized ablution for women who wear nail polish. (Ibn Abi Abi Shaybah: 1/120, saheeh sanad)

Invalidate wudu ':

     Urinating or defecating and the wind out of 2 places. (al-Maidah verse 6, al ijmaa 'p. 17)
     Out semen, wadi or madhiy. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 269: 303)
     Sleep soundly. (al-Muhalla: 1 / 222-231). There are 8 scholarly opinion, please look at it. 129-132)
     Missing sense or crazy, drunk, passed out. (al-Ausath ibn al-Mundhir: 1/155)
     Touching genitals without limiting, either with lust or not.
     Eating camel meat. (Sahih Muslim: 360)

Things that do not cancel wudu ':

     Touching men with women without borders. (al-Umm: 1/15)
     Blood out of other than the usual place out such as wound or bruise. (Sahih Bukhari: 1/80)
     Koi or treatment by using a hot iron. (Tirmidhi: 87, Saheeh)
     Guffaw in prayer or outside prayer. (proposition which says repeating ablution is a weak, daaruqutni: 1/162)
     Bathing and bring a corpse. (Abu Daud: 3162, etc.)
     Hesitate to have the cancellation of ablution or not. (Sahih)

Things are encouraged to perform ablutions':

     When dhikr: generality dhikr, reading the Koran, tawaf Ka'bah and others. (Abu Daud: 17, Saheeh)
     When going to sleep. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 247: 2710)
     For people who junub when going to eat, sleep or want to repeat it again. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 288: 305)
     Before bathing junub. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 248: 316)
     After eating foods that burn or grilled. (Sahih Muslim: 351)
     Renew ablution when will pray. (Sahih Muslim: 277)
     When things are canceling ablution. (Tirmidhi: 3689, Saheeh)
     After treatment with a hot iron. (Tirmidhi: 87, Saheeh)

Sweeping delimiter:

     Sweeping Khuffain (sandals of skin that covers two ankle) may be legal but is the main wash. Its time 3 days 3 nights for the traveler and a day and night for the living.

Terms sweep khuffain is wearing the sacred state.

Which cancel ie expiration of sweeping, open and berhadats before using. While open does not mean canceling ablution.

Sweeping socks and sandals there are 3 opinions.

     Sweeping headgear such as turbans and veils Imamate or for a woman when her ablutions when cold fear.
     Packaging broken bone like a cast.

Take A Bath

understanding bath

In language: Flowing water to something.

In Shar'ie: sprinkle clean water throughout the body because of certain things.

Things that require a bath:

     Exit semen (in good health) while unconscious or sleeping.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقربوا الصلاة وأنتم سكارى حتى تعلموا ما تقولون ولا جنبا إلا عابري سبيل حتى تغتسلوا

"O ye who believe, do not you pray, are you drunk, so that you understand what you say, (do not also approached the mosque) are you in a state junub, except just passed it, until you shower". (An-Nisa, verse 43)

     Meeting of two genitals even without out semen. (Sahih Muslim: 350)
     Conversion to Islam infidels. (Al-Majmoo ': 2/175)
     Friday Prayers. (Sahih Bukhari: 879, Saheeh Muslim: 846)
     Passed Away.

Bathe that in sunnahkan:

     Bathing two feasts. (Musnad Imam Syafei: 114)
     Bath after aware of fainting. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 687: 418)
     Shower ihram on Hajj and Umrah. (Tirmidhi: 831, hasan)
     Bath when entering Makkah. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 1573: 1259)
     Bath when doing jima 'repeatedly. (Abu Daud: 216, hasan)
     Bath after bathing the deceased. (Tirmidhi: 993, authentic, etc)
     Bath for women who istihadhoh (hadith dhoif: Jaami 'ahkaamu an-Nisa': 1 / 230-237)

Note: The intention is a legitimate requirement of worship, including a shower.

Pillars bath

Flush water throughout the body or body: skin and hair. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 248: 316)

Things that disunnahkan in shower

Parent hadith in Sahih Bukhari this view: 248, 266 and Sahih Muslim: 316, 317)

     Washing the hands three times before reaching into the water. (Sahih Muslim: 317)
     Wash the genitals and surrounding areas affected by dirt. (Sahih Bukhari: 154, 267 Muslims)
     Wash hands after washing the genitals. It is recommended to be more clean with soap. (Sahih Muslim: 317)
     Wudoo 'perfectly as ablution want prayer. (Fath baari: 1/429)


     Junub bath for women as men junub bath
     Not necessarily parse hair tied, the importance of water to kepangkal hair.
     Should not perform ablution after a shower, if not happen things wudoo '


In language: Purpose

In Syar'i: Intends to ground (earth's surface).

Syariatkannya proposition:

     Qur'an Surat al-Maidah verse 6

فلم تجدوا ماء فتيمموا صعيدا طيبا

"... Then bertayammumlah with good soil (net) ...".

     Hadith: Musnad Ahmad vol 2 no 222
     Ijma ': al-Mughni 1/148

Things that allow tayamum:

     When not get water either resident or safar.
     Unable to use water.


- Tayamum a substitute for ablution and bathing when there are things that allow it and rewarding for the people who do it.

- The bodies may in tayamumkan if requirements are met permissibility tayamum. (al-Mahalla: 2/158)

- There must be people who do it on condition tayamum long trips.

- Not Required tayamum for people who travel for obedience alone. (al-Mahhalla: 2/116)

- When assembled between the bodies, menstruating women and people affected by unclean water while not enough but only for one person only. So the more right among them according to scholarly (al Majmu ': 2/316) is that having the water. But if no one has the water and the water may be used, then there is a difference of opinion of the scholars. Please refer to the original source is Sahih Sunnah Fiqh volume 1 page 193.

What land should be used in tayamum? There are two opinions of scholars, namely:

     The surface of the earth in general: mountain, gravel, soil and husoba '(Abu Hanifa, Abu Yusuf, Malik and chosen by Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah)
     Land not others (Imam Shafi, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Abu Tsur, etc.)

How to perform the appropriate guidance tayamum Messenger:

Banged both hands to the ground and then blow it out. Then sweep the face and hands. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 338: 798)

Invalidate tayamum same as the wudoo '.


- Where to find water after tayamum before praying, then canceled tayamumnya and shall wudoo '.

- If there are people who were praying deliver water or heard of the water, there are two scholarly opinion: decide prayers and shall perform ablution (dhoif Tirmidhi: 124). While the opinion of others, continue to pray for it to finish. (Surah Muhammad verse 33)

- When the prayer was finished recently found water, it is not necessary to repeat the prayer.

Book Thaharah

Chapter Ablution, Bath and Tayamum [1]

By: Umm Abdirrahman Nurul Husna Zulfahmil [2]

بسم الله لرحمن لرحيم


Understanding and postulate disyariatkannya

Ablution in language: from the origin of the word "al wadaa'ah", ie cleanliness and freshness.

In terms: Using water to certain members (face, hands, head and legs) removes what is blocking for prayers and much more.

Evidence of the Quran and Sunnah:

     Al Quran surah Al-Maidah verse 6

يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا قمتم إلى الصلاة فاغسلوا وجوهكم وأيديكم إلى المرافق وامسحوا برؤوسكم وأرجلكم إلى الكعبين

"O ye who believe, if you want to do prayers, then wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, rub your heads and (wash) your feet up to the ankles"

     Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 135: 225

وقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا تقبل صلاة أحدكم إذا أحدث حتى يتوضأ

"There will be accepted pray someone who berhadas so he made ablution".

The virtue of Wudu:

     Purification is half of faith. (Sahih Muslim: 223)
     Removing small sins. (Sahih Muslim: 244)
     Lifting derjad a servant. (Sahih Muslim: 251)
     The road to heaven. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 1149: 2458)
     Distinctive mark this nation when they came to the lake. (Sahih Muslim: 234)
     Light for a servant in the Day of Judgment. (Sahih Muslim: 250)
     For bonding opener satan. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 1142: 776)

The nature of a complete or perfect ablution:
أن حمران مولى عثمان أخبره أن عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه دعا بوضوء فتوضأ فغسل كفيه ثلاث مرات ثم مضمض واستنثر ثم غسل وجهه ثلاث مرات ثم غسل يده اليمنى إلى المرفق ثلاث مرات ثم غسل يده اليسرى مثل ذلك ثم مسح رأسه ثم غسل رجله اليمنى إلى الكعبين ثلاث مرات ثم غسل اليسرى مثل ذلك ثم قال رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم توضأ نحو وضوئي هذا ثم قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من توضأ نحو وضوئي هذا ثم قام فركع ركعتين لا يحدث فيهما نفسه غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه قال ابن شهاب وكان علماؤنا يقولون هذا الوضوء أسبغ ما يتوضأ به أحد للصلاة

"Humran slave Uthman, had told him, that Uthman ibn Affan asking for berwudlu water, then he washed his two hands three times, then rinse his mouth and memasuk and removing water from the nose. Then he washed the face three times and washed his right arm up to the elbow three times. After that, he washed his left hand as he washed his right hand, then rubbed her head and wash your right foot up to the ankle three times. After that, he washed the feet of the left, just like washing the feet of his right. Then Uthman said, 'I never saw the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam berwudlu like the way I berwudlu. 'Then he said,' I've heard he sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said: "Whoever took wudlu like the way I berwudlu then he prayed two cycles and did not speak between wudlu and prayer, then God will forgive his sins that have been past '. "Ibn Shihab said," our scholars say,' this is wudlu wudlu most sempurnya committed by a person to perform the prayer . "(Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 158 226)

The properties of wudu ':

     Intend (because it is a legitimate requirement of worship including wudu ') removes impurity (in the liver).

إنما الأعمال بالنيات, وإنما لكل امرئ ما نوى

"Any charity that depends on his intentions, and everyone just get fit intentions". (Reported by Bukhari: 1 and Saheeh Muslim: 1907)

2. Reading Bismillah.

3. Wash hands up to the wrist 3 times.

4. Take the water with his right hand to rinse his mouth, sipping water with the nose and then release it back to the left hand 3 times.

5. Wash the whole face three times.

6. Wash your hands up to the elbow (right-left).

7. Sweep whole head backward and forward on to the outer and inner ear.

8. Wash the feet up to the ankles and between toes (right-left).

Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah said: Intention place in the heart not in the tongue, has been agreed upon by the scholars. (Majmu 'arrosail al kubro: 1/243)

Faidahnya: If he melafazkan different from that in his heart so is considered is that in his heart.

Pillars of Wudu '

If one among these pillars stay, then batallah wudhu'nya. Among these pillars are:

     Wash the entire face of a hair growing up under the chin and from right ear to left ear. And shall rinse his mouth and washed his nose. (al-Maidah verse 6)
     Washing the hands up to the elbows. (al-Maidah verse 6)
     Sweeping head obligations agreed upon by scholars, but differ in size. (al-Maidah verse 6)

     Mandatory sweep all the heads of both men and women.
     Mandatory swept all heads just for men.
     Sweeps only part of the head.

     Sweeping ear. (daaruqutni: 1/97, hasan)
     Wash both feet to the ankles and between the toes. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 161: 241)
     Regularly. (Majmu ': 1/433, etc.)
     In parallel or separate from one pillar to the other pillars. (Sahih Muslim: 232)

Sunnah-sunnah Wudu ':

     Cleansing his teeth.
     Getting Started with Bismillah.
     Washing the hands. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 159: 226)
     Rinsing the mouth and nose of a detention wash water 3 times. (Sahih Muslim: 235)
     Exceeding rinse his mouth and washed his nose besides fasting person. (Abu Daud: 142, Saheeh)
     Putting the right than on the left. (Sahih Bukhari: 140)
     Wash 3 times. (Sahih Bukhari: 156)


     Sweeping head only once. (an-Nasa'i: 1/88, Saheeh)
     Makruh more than 3 times for those who complete wudhunya. (at-Tamhiid, Ibn abdilbaar: 20/117)

     Rubbed members of ablution. (Ibn Hiban: 1082, Saheeh)
     Clean between fingers and toes. (Sahih)
     Exceeding the required wash in place as the next head, above the elbow and above the ankle. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 36: 246)
     Efficient in the use of water. (Sahih Bukhari: 198)
     Praying after ablution. (Sahih Muslim: 234)
     Prayer 2 cycles after ablution. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 6433: 226)


- Allow drying former ablution. (Sahih Bukhari: 270)

- Unauthorized ablution for women who wear nail polish. (Ibn Abi Abi Shaybah: 1/120, saheeh sanad)

Invalidate wudu ':

     Urinating or defecating and the wind out of 2 places. (al-Maidah verse 6, al ijmaa 'p. 17)
     Out semen, wadi or madhiy. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 269: 303)
     Sleep soundly. (al-Muhalla: 1 / 222-231). There are 8 scholarly opinion, please look at it. 129-132)
     Missing sense or crazy, drunk, passed out. (al-Ausath ibn al-Mundhir: 1/155)
     Touching genitals without limiting, either with lust or not.
     Eating camel meat. (Sahih Muslim: 360)

Things that do not cancel wudu ':

     Touching men with women without borders. (al-Umm: 1/15)
     Blood out of other than the usual place out such as wound or bruise. (Sahih Bukhari: 1/80)
     Koi or treatment by using a hot iron. (Tirmidhi: 87, Saheeh)
     Guffaw in prayer or outside prayer. (proposition which says repeating ablution is a weak, daaruqutni: 1/162)
     Bathing and bring a corpse. (Abu Daud: 3162, etc.)
     Hesitate to have the cancellation of ablution or not. (Sahih)

Things are encouraged to perform ablutions':

     When dhikr: generality dhikr, reading the Koran, tawaf Ka'bah and others. (Abu Daud: 17, Saheeh)
     When going to sleep. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 247: 2710)
     For people who junub when going to eat, sleep or want to repeat it again. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 288: 305)
     Before bathing junub. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 248: 316)
     After eating foods that burn or grilled. (Sahih Muslim: 351)
     Renew ablution when will pray. (Sahih Muslim: 277)
     When things are canceling ablution. (Tirmidhi: 3689, Saheeh)
     After treatment with a hot iron. (Tirmidhi: 87, Saheeh)

Sweeping delimiter:

     Sweeping Khuffain (sandals of skin that covers two ankle) may be legal but is the main wash. Its time 3 days 3 nights for the traveler and a day and night for the living.

Terms sweep khuffain is wearing the sacred state.

Which cancel ie expiration of sweeping, open and berhadats before using. While open does not mean canceling ablution.

Sweeping socks and sandals there are 3 opinions.

     Sweeping headgear such as turbans and veils Imamate or for a woman when her ablutions when cold fear.
     Packaging broken bone like a cast.

Take A Bath

understanding bath

In language: Flowing water to something.

In Shar'ie: sprinkle clean water throughout the body because of certain things.

Things that require a bath:

     Exit semen (in good health) while unconscious or sleeping.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقربوا الصلاة وأنتم سكارى حتى تعلموا ما تقولون ولا جنبا إلا عابري سبيل حتى تغتسلوا

"O ye who believe, do not you pray, are you drunk, so that you understand what you say, (do not also approached the mosque) are you in a state junub, except just passed it, until you shower". (An-Nisa, verse 43)

     Meeting of two genitals even without out semen. (Sahih Muslim: 350)
     Conversion to Islam infidels. (Al-Majmoo ': 2/175)
     Friday Prayers. (Sahih Bukhari: 879, Saheeh Muslim: 846)
     Passed Away.

Bathe that in sunnahkan:

     Bathing two feasts. (Musnad Imam Syafei: 114)
     Bath after aware of fainting. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 687: 418)
     Shower ihram on Hajj and Umrah. (Tirmidhi: 831, hasan)
     Bath when entering Makkah. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 1573: 1259)
     Bath when doing jima 'repeatedly. (Abu Daud: 216, hasan)
     Bath after bathing the deceased. (Tirmidhi: 993, authentic, etc)
     Bath for women who istihadhoh (hadith dhoif: Jaami 'ahkaamu an-Nisa': 1 / 230-237)

Note: The intention is a legitimate requirement of worship, including a shower.

Pillars bath

Flush water throughout the body or body: skin and hair. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 248: 316)

Things that disunnahkan in shower

Parent hadith in Sahih Bukhari this view: 248, 266 and Sahih Muslim: 316, 317)

     Washing the hands three times before reaching into the water. (Sahih Muslim: 317)
     Wash the genitals and surrounding areas affected by dirt. (Sahih Bukhari: 154, 267 Muslims)
     Wash hands after washing the genitals. It is recommended to be more clean with soap. (Sahih Muslim: 317)
     Wudoo 'perfectly as ablution want prayer. (Fath baari: 1/429)


     Junub bath for women as men junub bath
     Not necessarily parse hair tied, the importance of water to kepangkal hair.
     Should not perform ablution after a shower, if not happen things wudoo '


In language: Purpose

In Syar'i: Intends to ground (earth's surface).

Syariatkannya proposition:

     Qur'an Surat al-Maidah verse 6

فلم تجدوا ماء فتيمموا صعيدا طيبا

"... Then bertayammumlah with good soil (net) ...".

     Hadith: Musnad Ahmad vol 2 no 222
     Ijma ': al-Mughni 1/148

Things that allow tayamum:

     When not get water either resident or safar.
     Unable to use water.


- Tayamum a substitute for ablution and bathing when there are things that allow it and rewarding for the people who do it.

- The bodies may in tayamumkan if requirements are met permissibility tayamum. (al-Mahalla: 2/158)

- There must be people who do it on condition tayamum long trips.

- Not Required tayamum for people who travel for obedience alone. (al-Mahhalla: 2/116)

- When assembled between the bodies, menstruating women and people affected by unclean water while not enough but only for one person only. So the more right among them according to scholarly (al Majmu ': 2/316) is that having the water. But if no one has the water and the water may be used, then there is a difference of opinion of the scholars. Please refer to the original source is Sahih Sunnah Fiqh volume 1 page 193.

What land should be used in tayamum? There are two opinions of scholars, namely:

     The surface of the earth in general: mountain, gravel, soil and husoba '(Abu Hanifa, Abu Yusuf, Malik and chosen by Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah)
     Land not others (Imam Shafi, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Abu Tsur, etc.)

How to perform the appropriate guidance tayamum Messenger:

Banged both hands to the ground and then blow it out. Then sweep the face and hands. (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim 338: 798)

Invalidate tayamum same as the wudoo '.


- Where to find water after tayamum before praying, then canceled tayamumnya and shall wudoo '.

- If there are people who were praying deliver water or heard of the water, there are two scholarly opinion: decide prayers and shall perform ablution (dhoif Tirmidhi: 124). While the opinion of others, continue to pray for it to finish. (Surah Muhammad verse 33)

- When the prayer was finished recently found water, it is not necessary to repeat the prayer.
Tag : fiqh
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