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Imitate Abraham

Imitate Abraham

Firmness Ibrahim 'alaihissallam In To Her father preached monotheism

The most important element in the process of purification of the soul is to enforce tauhidullah, making it a major pillar that affect other elements in the soul. If monotheism someone good, then good also other elements. And vice versa, if someone monotheism bad, and even then it will be very influential in every move of his life. And we hope that Allaah always give Taufik and his guidance.

In studying the life of Abraham 'alaihissallam, we'll get ourselves him as a human being very firm and persistent in upholding the rights of Allaah great, namely monotheism. This can be seen in a few moments, including:

1. Propagation Tuhid To Her Father 'Alaihissallan With Patience And Full Santun.

Ibn al-Hafihz Katsiir rahimahullah said, "The population of Harran is the star and idol worshipers idolaters. The entire population of the earth are infidels except Ibrahim 'alaihissallam, his wife, and his nephew, the Prophet Lut' alaihissallam. Ibrahim 'alaihissallam selected to be a servant of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala that removing the shirk and sleaze-kabatilan eliminate false. Allaah has granted him the persistence since childhood. He was appointed as the Apostle, and Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala chose him as a lover of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in the next period.

Early monotheistic call that he 'alaihissallam enforced, is directed to his father, because he was a pagan and the most entitled to be given advice (Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah, juz 1, p: 326).

Shaykh as-Sa`di rahimahullah said, "Ibrahim 'alaihissallam is the best of the prophet after Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, ... which Allaah has made prophetic in children keturunnya. And to them was revealed scriptures. He has to bring people towards Allaah, be patient with the punishment he got (in the course of his preaching), he invites people close to (him) and those far away, he earnestly preaching to his father anyway how ... "(Tafsir al-Sa`di, p: 443)

Allaah says,

إذ قال لأبيه يا أبت لم تعبد ما لا يسمع ولا يبصر ولا يغني عنك شيئا

"Remember when he said to his father; "O my father, why do you worship something that does not hear, not see and can not help you at all?". (QS. Maryam: 42).

Look, how the Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihissallam preached monotheism to his father with a very gentle expression and a good speech to explain the falsehood in shirk it does ?! (Tafsir al-Sa`di, p: 444). His father's rejection of the propaganda that did not dampen the spirit and attitude of affection towards his father will still ask for forgiveness, even for forgiveness was not justified by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Mentioned in His word,

وما كان استغفار إبراهيم لأبيه إلا عن موعدة وعدها إياه فلما تبين له أنه عدو لله تبرأ منه إن إبراهيم لأواه حليم

"And the demand forgiveness of Abraham (to Allah) for his father is nothing but due to a promise which He swore to his father's. And when clear to him that his father is an enemy of Allaah, then Ibrahim quit him. Abraham was very meek again sponsors. "(QS. At-Tawbah: 114).

In other business, Ibrahim dialogue with his father:

وإذ قال إبراهيم لأبيه آزر أتتخذ أصناما آلهة إني أراك وقومك في ضلال مبين

"And (remember) at the time of Abraham said to his father, Azar. 'Are you really so make idols as gods? Indeed I see thee and thy people in manifest error. '"(Surat. Al-An'am: 74).

Shaykh as-Sa'di says, "And remember (against) the story of Abraham 'alaihissallam when Allaah praise and honor him when he was invited to preach monotheism and banned from doing shirk." (Tafsir al-Sa`di, it : 224).

Thus, the struggle presented monotheistic call of Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihissallam to his people. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala make it part of the Quranic verses that will always be read and studied carefully.

Allaah says,

وإبراهيم إذ قال لقومه اعبدوا الله واتقوه ذلكم خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون

"And (remember) Ibrahim, when he said to his people: 'Worship Allah and fear Him, that is better for you, if you Know'." (QS. Al-'Ankabut: 16).

Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said in interpreting this verse: "Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala mengkabarkan of His servant, the Apostle and his lover, namely Ibrahim 'alaihissallam the hunafa` priest, that he' alaihissallam preaching invites his people to worship Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala alone and there is no partner for Him, His mengikhlaskan in piety, beg sustenance unto Him, and His Oneness in gratitude. "(Tafsir Ibn Kathir, the Section 3, p: 536).

Firmness championed monotheistic call of Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihissallam also rooted in the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala letter al-Anbiya` paragraph 51-56. And in some verses mentioned, that the monotheistic call to his father and his people performed simultaneously, as mentioned in the letter ash-Syu`ara paragraph 69, and ash-Saffat paragraph 84.

2. Abraham 'alaihissallam Tough And Steadfast Facing Trials And Torment.

This attitude is reflected in his story 'alaihissallam while preaching invites people to tawheed and the Oneness of Allaah, but most rejected it with full contempt. Fortitude Abraham 'alaihissallam this be an example to every preacher in the way that invites people towards Allaah blessed. The story of Prophet Ibrahim fortitude 'alaihissallam enshrined in the Qur'an through the words of his. Although his people with the strength to burn him, but Abraham 'alaihissallam remain steadfast and submit all matters to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. As the word of Allah, the Exalted,

قال أتعبدون ما تنحتون. والله خلقكم وما تعملون. قالوا ابنوا له بنيانا فألقوه في الجحيم. فأرادوا به كيدا فجعلناهم الأسفلين

He said: "Do you worship statues that you carve? When Allah hath created you and what you do it ". They said: "Build a building for (burn) Ibrahim; and throw him into the fire blazing". They want to do a ruse to him, but We made them the people who despised. (QS. Ash-Saffat: 95-98).

As-Suddi rahimahullah said: "They held him in a house. They collect firewood, even to a woman who was ill bernadzar by saying "It is if Allaah has given me healing, then I'll gather firewood to burn Abraham '. After firewood collected towering, they begin to burn each end edge of the pile, so if there is a bird on it he would have burned. They came to the Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihissallam then carried him up on the top of a high pile of firewood ". Another story says, he placed in the tip manjaniq.

Abraham 'alaihissallam raised his head towards the sky, the sky, the earth, the mountains and the angels said: "O, Lord! Indeed Ibrahim will be burned because (fight for your rights) "

Abraham said, "Oh, God, Thou Almighty in the sky, and I alone on this earth. Nobody who worship Thee upon this earth selainku. Suffice it to me thou best of Helper. "(Fath al-Bari, the Section 6, p: 483).

They then threw the Prophet Abraham 'alaihissallam into firewood pile high, then diserukanlah (by Allaah): "O fire, be cool and congratulations for Abraham." (Tafsir Tabari, the Section 9, p: 43).

Ibn Abbas and Abu al-Aliyah, both said: "If Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala does not say 'and congratulations to Abraham,' undoubtedly the fire will destroy Ibrahim 'alaihissallam with cold." (Tafsir Tabari, the Section 9, it : 43).

3. Sure To Greatness of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla

At the time of Prophet Ibrahim manjaniq placed at the end, he was in a state tied with hands behind. Then his people threw Abraham 'alaihissallam into the fire, and he said: "Enough is Allah' Azza wa Jalla for us, and He is the Best of Helpers".

As narrated by Imam Bukhari from Ibn Abbas radi Friends' anhuma, he said:

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

(enough is Allah 'Azza wa Jalla for us and He is the Best of helpers) "was pronounced Abraham' alaihissallam when he was thrown into the fire (Sahih Bukhari and Fath al-Bari, the Section 8, p: 288, no. 4563).

Thus, Abraham 'alaihissallam very confident with greatness, help and protection of Allah' Azza wa Jalla, because he was fighting for the rights of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla the largest, namely monotheism in His worship Allaah.

Command of Allaah Being On Top of Everything

1. The story of Hagar and Ishmael moved together (Sahih Bukhari and Fath al-Bari, the Section 6, p: 478, no. 3364).

When Ismail had just been born and in the breastfeeding mother (Hajar), Abraham 'alaihissallam brought them towards the House on dauhah (a shade tree) on top of Zam Zam. At that time, no one in Makkah, and also there is no source of water.

Abraham 'alaihissallam leave jirab, namely bags commonly used to store food. Sac that contains the dates for both. Also leaving siqa` (water container) that contains water. Then Abraham 'alaihissallam turn and go. Hagar followed him as he said: "O Ibrahim! Where are you going to leave us in the valley deserted and uninhabited? "Hagar repeated the question several times, but Abraham did not turn, was also ignored. Then Hagar was asked: "Is that Allaah has commanded you with this?"

Abraham replied, "Yes."

Hearing the answer, then Hajar said: "If so, Allaah will not leave us". So Hagar returned to the original position. As for Abraham, he kept going to leave them, thus arriving at a place that he could no longer see his wife and child. Ibrahim's face in the direction of the House as he lifted a hand and say: Our Lord! I have put sebahagian offspring in a valley that has no plants near the house you (House) are respected, O our Rabb (such) that they establish the prayer, then make the hearts of some people tend to them and give them rezekilah of fruits, hopefully they are grateful. [QS. Ibrahim verse 37).

2. Acts slaughter Ismail.

Abraham 'alaihissallam prayed: "O my Lord, for me, give me a righteous son," then Allaah gives glad tidings to him in the presence of a noble child anymore patient. And when the child began to grow older while trying together Ibrahim, Ibrahim said to him: "O my son! I saw in a dream that I sacrifice. Instead, think about what do you think? "

Isma'il said: "O Ayahandaku, do what is commanded by Allaah to you; God willing, you will find me among those who wait ".

When they had both submitted and Ibrahim laid his son on the top of the temples (her), (obvious patience both). After that Allaah called him: "O Ibrahim, indeed you have confirmed that dream. Verily, thus do We reward those who do good. Surely this is really a real exam. And we redeem him with a great sacrifice. We left for Ibrahim (praise good) among those who came later. (Ie) 'Welfare bestowed upon Abraham'. Thus Allaah reward those who do good. For he was a servant of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala that believers. This story is described in the Qur'an in the letter ash-Saffat paragraph 99-111.

In Tafseer al-Qurtubi, Juz 18, p: 69 and Tafsir al-Baghawi, the Section 4, p: 33, Ibn Abbas said:

Ibrahim and Isma'il ... both obedient, submissive to the commands of Allaah. Remember, consider the story ... when they will carry out the command of Allaah, with sincere and steadfast boy said:

يا أبت اشدد رباطي حتى لا أضطرب ....

"O father, tightly secure ikatanku that I could no longer move."

واكفف عني ثيابك حتى لا ينتضح عليها من دمي شيء فينقص أجري وتراه أمي فتحزن ....

"O my father, my blood singsingkanlah clothes that you do not contaminate your clothes, it will be reduced pahalaku, and (if later) the mother saw bloodstains was undoubtedly he will be sad."

ويا أبت استحد شفرتك وأسرع مر السكين على حلقي ليكون أهون علي فإن الموت شديد ....

"And the father and percepatlah tajamkanlah knife blade movement in my neck that feels lighter to me because it's really very terrible death."

وإذا أتيت أمي فاقرأ عليها السلام مني .... وإن رأيت أن ترد قميصي على أمي فافعل ....

"O my Father, if you have back then conveyed greetings (love) to my mother, and when the father of view of both the clothes to take home then do it."

فقال له إبراهيم: نعم العون أنت يا بني على أمر الله تعالى ....

(At that time, with full emotion) Ibrahim said: "O my son, indeed you are a child who was very helpful in running the command of Allaah".

In Sahih al-Anbiya Qashashil Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said, "This is a test of Allaah upon His beloved (ie Abraham 'alaihissallam) to slaughter his son noble and newly born after he was dusk. (This test occurs) after God ordered him to leave Hajar Ismail while still breastfeeding in a barren, desolate without plants (the edible fruit), without water and without occupants. He obeyed the command of Allaah it, leaving his wife and young son with high confidence and trust in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Then Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give them ease, a way out, as well as an abundance of sustenance from no unexpected direction. After all the tests passed, God tested again with his command to slaughter his son, Ishmael 'alaihissallam. And without a doubt, Abraham welcomed the command of Allaah and obey immediately. He 'alaihissallam deliver first test of Allaah is to his son, Ismail hearts to be open and able to receive it, so that it does not have to run the test with force and painful. Subhanallah ...

3. The command of Allaah to Abraham for circumcised.

At the time of Abraham 'alaihissallam has reached the age of twilight (eighty years old), he was tested by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala with some commands, such that he circumcised. As the hadith of Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu, he said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

اختتن إبراهيم عليه السلام وهو ابن ثمانين سنة

"Ibrahim 'alaihissallam he circumcised at the age of eighty years." (Sahih Bukhari and Fath al-Bari (Juz 6, p: 468, no. 3356)).

He 'alaihissallam circumcised with a large knife (such as ax). Although it was very hard for him self 'alaihissallam, but it never made him skeptical of all the good command of Allaah. Even in a history, Ali ibn Rabah radi 'anhu said that: "He (Ibrahim' alaihissallam) ruled for the circumcised, then he did it with qadum. Then Allaah revealed 'You hurry before we specify the tool'. He said: 'O Lord, truly I do not like to be put off thy commandments.' "(Sahih Bukhari and Fath al-Bari, the Section 6, p: 472)

4. The command of Allaah To Build Ka`bah.

وإذ بوأنا لإبراهيم مكان البيت أن لا تشرك بي شيئا وطهر بيتي للطائفين والقائمين والركع السجود وأذن في الناس بالحج يأتوك رجالا وعلى كل ضامر يأتين من كل فج عميق

"And (remember) when We provide a place to Ibrahim in the House (by saying):" Do not to associate anything with Me and purify My house is for people who tawaf, and those who worship and people the bowing and prostration. And cried out to the man to do the pilgrimage, they will come to you on foot and camel riding skinny coming from every corner of the remote, "(QS. Al-Hajj: 26-27).

In Sahih Bukhari mentioned, that Ibrahim 'alaihissallam said: "O my son, verily Allaah ordered me something".

Ismail 'alaihissallam replied: "Take command of Allaah to you".

Ibrahim 'alaihissallam asked: "Do you (will) help me?"

Ismail 'alaihissallam replied: "Yes, I will help you".

Ibrahim 'alaihissallam said again: "Verily, Allaah has commanded me to build a house here". (Abraham 'alaihissallam hinted ground slightly higher than those around him). That's when both building foundations. And Ismail 'alaihissallam brings to his father stones and Ibrahim' alaihissallammenyusunnya. So that, when it has started to increase, he took a stone and put that Ibrahim 'alaihissallamdapat ride on it. Similarly, performed by both, and they said:

ربنا تقبل منا إنك أنت السميع العليم

"Our Lord accept than us (our deeds), verily Thou art the All-Hearing, All-Knowing". (QS. Al-Baqarah: 127).

Of exposure stories above, many important and valuable lessons to be learned, including:

     Abraham 'alaihissallam is a slave of Allaah and His Messenger SWT very obedient to Him Allaah, so Allaah make it a very cherished servant.
     The main pillar-Nufus tazkiyyatun effort is in terms of monotheism. And preaching monotheism called on a mandate that bear the prophets, and also became a role model for every dai.
     Monotheism preached patience and fortitude in the face of the exam in the way it should be done in accordance with the manner exemplified by the apostles' alaihissallam.
     Sure to Allaah is one of the keys to success in real life.
     Command of Allaah is the most important thing above all else. Sincerity in carrying out all the commands of Allaah is happiness. Then we should make every effort to implement the accompaniment of prayer for taufik and ease of Allaah.
     All examples have goodness present in the Apostles' alaihissallam which should always be a role model for us in every respect. Wallahul Musta`an ..

[Copied from the writings of Rizal Yuliar Ustadz Sunnah magazine Issue 08 / Year XII / 1429 / 2008M]
Tag : akhlak, tauhid
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