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Pilgrimage of the Messenger of Allah

Pilgrimage of the Messenger of Allah

During this time, the event moved sangant identical to our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam only. In fact, when we read the Koran, of course we find that the prophets and apostles other than Prophet Muhammad was experiencing a new phase in their propaganda in the form of hijra. But maybe we were not aware that that they move, a new phase of preaching the messengers of God.

Although many prophets and apostles who have moved, they moved in contrast to the migration of our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Among the prophet who had migrated events are:

First: Abraham sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

Regarding the migration of the Prophet Abraham, there are two opinions, which city is the goal of Abraham after going out of the country of Iraq. (1) Some say that he moved to Mecca and (2) others say that he moved to Sham, to the land of Jerusalem, Palestine. And no doubt, Abraham is entering the second city. However, the city where the first visit? God knows best.

There are at least three verses that describe how the migration of the Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihi wa ash-shalatu as-salam.

فآمن له لوط وقال إني مهاجر إلى ربي إنه هو العزيز الحكيم

"So Lut justify (prophetic) it. And Abraham said: "I am going to move to (where ordered) Lord (me); verily He is the Mighty, the Wise. "(QS. Al-'Ankabut: 26).

Other verses,

وقال إني ذاهب إلى ربي سيهدين

And Abraham said: "I went to the Lord, and He will guide me". (QS. Ash-Saffat: 99).

And the word of God,

وأعتزلكم وما تدعون من دون الله وأدعو ربي عسى ألا أكون بدعاء ربي شقيا

"And I will keep away from you and from what you call upon besides Allah, and I will pray to my Lord, hopefully I will not be disappointed by praying to the Lord". (QS. Maryam: 48).

He distanced himself from the worship they do and also keep away from the place.

Second: Prophet Moses sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

The migration of the Prophet Moses different events with the migration of the Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad. When moved, Moses has not been appointed as an apostle. The Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Muhammad has been appointed as an apostle when both emigrate.

The migration of the Prophet Moses event occurs at the time he killed a man Qibthi.

وجاء رجل من أقصى المدينة يسعى قال يا موسى إن الملأ يأتمرون بك ليقتلوك فاخرج إني لك من الناصحين

"And there came a man from the city end haste and said: 'O Moses, indeed magnifying countries are negotiating about you to kill you, because it came out (of the city) I actually includes people who give advice to you'. "(QS. Al-Qasas: 20).

Prophet Moses went towards Madyan. During lived 10 years in Madyan, Moses married a daughter of elderly men in the region.

Another difference between the Hijrah of the Prophet Muhammad and Moses was the background to move. If the migration of the Prophet Muhammad is because the Meccans had shut themselves from the guidance of Islam, while in Medina existence of widespread propaganda and the establishment of the Islamic countries is very possible to achieve. As for Moses to avoid the cruelty of Pharaoh.

ففررت منكم لما خفتكم فوهب لي ربي حكما وجعلني من المرسلين

"Then I fled from you when I feared you, then my Lord and He gives me knowledge to make me one of the apostles." (QS. US-Shu'ara: 21).

And many other prophets and messengers who had emigrated, like the Prophet Jacob and Joseph, etc. In conclusion, different prophets migrated with the migration of the Prophet Muhammad. Hijrah he has a position that is so precious and also very heavy in practice. Hijrah he does not dilator-backs run of punishment or torment his people.

- Muhammad, Uthman ibn al-Khomis. Fabihudahum Iqtadih. 2010. Kuwait: Dar al-Ilaf ad-Daula.
Tag : lain lain, sunnah
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