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Praising ban non-Muslims, HEATHEN and Pagan Religion

Praising ban non-Muslims, HEATHEN and Pagan Religion

How does the law praise the non-Muslims or infidels? How well if to praise their religion or disbelief?

In the Qur'an, we are not allowed to make non-Muslims as our leader or make them as awliya '. However, the intent of awliya 'are also made as a lover, loved ones and close friends, as it is not allowed. Allaah says,

يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا اليهود والنصارى أولياء بعضهم أولياء بعض ومن يتولهم منكم فإنه منهم إن الله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين

"O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as leaders (mu); sebahagian sebahagian they are a leader for others. Whoever amongst you takes them as leaders, then surely that person belonged to them. Verily Allah does not guide the unjust people. "(QS. Al Maidah: 51)

As mentioned in Tafsir Al Jalalain, which is intended to make the Jews and Christians as awliya 'was made as a leader and as a friend.

Who makes the Jews and Christians as a leader and a close friend, then he belonged to them. The meaning of the word Shaykh Sa'di As in the book of commentary, who loves unbelievers perfectly, then it means moving on their religion. Who loves a little, it can be dragged to love more. Slowly going to love them excessively until eventually became a part of them. That's the bad effects of love unbelievers.

If loyal to the disbelievers is not allowed, then they were not allowed to praise. This is among the Muslim principles exemplified by our scholars.

Al 'Allamah Abu Ath thoyyib shidiq bin Hasan Al-Bukhari rahimahullah in his book Al' ibrah (p. 245), he said,

وأما من يمدح النصارى, ويقول إنهم أهل العدل, أو يحبون العدل, ويكثر ثناءهم في المجالس, ويهين ذكر السلطان للمسلمين, وينسب إلى الكفار النصيفة وعدم الظلم والجور; فحكم المادح أنه فاسق عاص مرتكب لكبيرة; يجب عليه التوبة منها والندم عليها; إذا كان مدحه لذات الكفار من غير ملاحظة الكفر الذي فيهم. فإن مدحهم من حيث صفة الكفر فهو كافر

"Anyone who praised the Nashrani, stating they are fair, the Nashrani the love of justice, it was a lot of praise as voiced in the chamber, then the praise, including the wicked and commit major sins. While his attitude to the leader or king Muslims so humiliated. As for the unbelievers glorified and never called unjust. People who do like it compulsory to repent and regret for his attitude.

Meanwhile, if the praiseworthy is from the pagan creed they profess, then praise them, including infidelity. "

Our teacher, Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman bin Nasir Al Barrak hafizhohullah said,

"من اعتقد أن اليهود والنصارى على دين صحيح فهو كافر, ولو عمل بكل شرائع الإسلام وأنه مكذب لعموم رسالته صلى الله عليه وسلم .وعلى هذا فذكر ما عند الكفار من أخلاق محمودة على وجه المدح لهم والإعجاب بهم وتعظيم شأنهم حرام, لأن ذلك مناقض لحكم الله فيهم "انتهى.

  "Anyone who believes that religious Jews and Christians were true, then he pagan though he underwent a variety of Islamic law. In reality, he has denied the teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Examples of non-Muslims who praised the moral side, amazed at the behavior and glorify them, so it is unclean. As it was against the law of God in them. "
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