By The
Khumais as-Sa'id
Anger that has causes the trigger and also the factors driving force. Among the causes and factors are the most important driving force is:
a. Overarching Someone Environment.
For the first trigger irritable person is returned to the surrounding environment, the influence of this one more cover than the close neighborhood house or an environmental -that much -that communities-. Sometimes it could be someone that covered a crime-ridden neighborhood in which they assume that brutality is a courage, arbitrariness brutality resulting anger is a form of masculinity, then he is affected by it and be quick-tempered as her habit and characterizes him .
b. Debate or arguing.
The second reason that trigger irritable person is disagreement and debate in a way that is false, that every person who is insulting each other wants to be a winner over the other, but in a manner that is false, and when it did not he get, then he flew into a rage and anger berkobarlah with intent to attack and retaliation, especially if he sees himself stronger or bigger than the opponent debate.
And perhaps that is the reason diperingatkannya someone from arguing and arguing in falsehood mentioned by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. [1]
c. Frolic with falsehood.
The third cause of anger is the result back to the playful attitude (joking) in a way that is false. It was that if the joke is beyond the limits of truth leads to falsehood, then it will lead to hostility, and hostility that will expire in kindling the fire of anger in the hearts of the real picture on the body which leads to brutality and revenge.
Which is probably why the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade joking in a way that is false, it does not mean he never joked, he was joking but he did not say but the truth, he forbade from falsehood joking with his saying:
((لا تمار أخاك ولا تمازخه, ولا تعده موعدة فتخلفه))
"Do not argue with your brother and do not joke with him, and do not promise to him and you betrayed him." [2]
d. Hostile Others In The Form Of Forms Whatever hostility.
For the four resulting anger is hostile to others in the form of any of various forms of hostility. Ie if someone bullied by others with hostility any form of forms, either ridicule, insults, spying, looking genitalia (disgrace) it, backbiting, slander, censure, injuring, arrest and detention in jail, beatings and torture as practiced by most governments of Islamic countries, even the Arab countries in particular against the majority of youth who are and have a high spirit that they have the wrong way is a case that raised the ire of in him, and brought him to the rejection by a form of reason or the other thing.
Perhaps this is because of what was warned by Allaah and His Messenger to the people who are hostile to others unjustly, in which Allaah says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا يسخر قوم من قوم عسى أن يكونوا خيرا منهم ولا نساء من نساء عسى أن يكن خيرا منهن ولا تلمزوا أنفسكم ولا تنابزوا بالألقاب بئس الاسم الفسوق بعد الإيمان ومن لم يتب فأولئك هم الظالمون)11(أيها الذين آمنوا اجتنبوا كثيرا من الظن إن بعض الظن إثم ولا تجسسوا ولا يغتب بعضكم بعضا أيحب أحدكم أن يأكل لحم أخيه ميتا فكرهتموه واتقوا الله إن الله تواب رحيم
"O ye who believe, do not some people make fun of other people (because) may be those (who mocked) better than them (which mocks) and do not also women (mocked) Another woman (because) may be women (who jeered fun) better than women (who mocked) and do not deprecate yourself and do not be called out with bad titles. As bad-bad calls is ( call) after bad faith and whoever does not repent, then they are the people who are wrongdoers. O ye who believe, avoid most of suspicion, in fact most of prejudice that is a sin, and do not find fault with others and do not some of you backbiting others. Sukakah one among you eat the flesh of a dead brother? Then you certainly feel disgusted him. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah Recipients repentance, Most Merciful. " [Al-Hujuraat / 49: 11-12]
e. Arrogant And Proud Of Yourself On Earth With Without Having the Right.
For the fifth resulting anger is arrogant nature and prides itself on the earth without right. It was that people were arrogant and pride themselves on earth with no rights will be easily affected every time lost from him what he believes in order to perpetuate its grandeur and its position among men. If someone asks him his rights, then it can inflame anger, as well as if he was banned by a person of a vile act, or there are people who criticize it in a case that he believes that he has the perfect one from all sides in this, it is not permissible for a person to rule it, ban it or stand in his way, when in fact it is a very real shortage him from all sides, he tried to force these shortcomings with pride and bragging about himself.
f. Meaning of Life Will Struggle forgetfulness.
For the six resulting anger is the soul's forgetfulness of the meaning of struggle, namely that every human diseases will be tested with serious and getting worse, he seems to be a part of the base of the human damage when he relent, and his soul is not striving to eliminate the disease from it or escape from it.
Hence Allaah invites to struggle with his word:
والذين جاهدوا فينا لنهدينهم سبلنا وإن الله لمع المحسنين
"And those who strive for (seeking the pleasure) We, really will We show them our Paths. And verily Allah is with those who do good." [Al-'Ankabuut / 29: 69]
g. Absence of Others Who accomplishing obligation Against People Who Are Angry.
For the seventh resulting anger is not any other people who fulfill its obligations to the people who are angry. It was that man had known deficiencies and disgrace-her shame, but due to weakness in the face of his own soul, in the presence of deception devils of mankind and jinn and jewelry world, then he became weak to escape the disgrace. This deficiency should be assisted by another person who accompanied him until he can free himself from embarrassment and lack of it with anger, because anger is actually going to be severe and serious until he seems to be part of the action and the person who can not be separated in the slightest.
h. A Nature of The Seen Someone Still Less And An act of disgrace.
For the eighth which can lead to anger is a trait that is given to someone and then he looked at the properties have flaws and disgrace. It was that humans when given a properties with the properties he saw still lacking or having a disgrace that makes the position and glory diminished, as he was told. 'If you're male and you certainly meet with so and so and so and so, I think that you are not wanted to meet so and so only because of worry and fear its power,' so things are moving from inside her and reflected on his limbs, he immediately became the the flushed face and eyes, stained and bubbly so do brutality and revenge, as the reasons which led to the release of Umayyah ibn Khalaf to his death in the battle of Badr, as narrated by 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud radi anhu, he said:
((انطلق سعد بن معاذ معتمرا, فنزل على أمية بن خلف أبي صفوان, وكان أمية إذا انطلق إلى الشام فمر بالمدينة نزل على سعد, فقال أمية لسعد: انتظر, حتى إذا انتصف النهار, وغفل الناس, انطلقت فطفت, فبينا سعد يطوف إذا أبو جهل, فقال: من هذا الذي يطوف بالكعبة? فقال سعد: أنا سعد, فقال أبو جهل: تطوف بالكعبة آمنا, وقد آويتم محمدا وأصحابه: فقال: نعم, فتلاحيا بينهما, فقال أمية لسعد: لا ترفع صوتك على أبي الحكم, فإنه سيد أهل الوادي, ثم قال سعد: والله لئن منعتني أن أطوف بالبيت لأقطعن متجرك بالشام. قال: فجعل أمية يقول لسعد: لا ترفع صوتك, وجعل يمسكه فغضب سعد فقال: دعنا عنك, فإني سمعت محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم يزعم أنه قاتلك, قال: إياي? قال: نعم, قال: والله ما يكذب محمد إذا حدث, فرجع إلى امرأته, فقال: أما تعلمين ما قال لي أخي اليثربي? قالت: وما قال? قال: إنه سمع محمدا يزعم أنه قاتلي, قالت: فوالله ما يكذب محمد, قال: فلما خرجوا إلى بدر وجاء الصريخ, قالت له امرأته: أما ذكرت ما قال لك أخوك اليثربي? قال: فأراد أن لا يخرج, فقال له أبو جهل: إنك من أشراف الوادي, فسر يوما أو يومين, فسار معهم فقتله الله))
"Sa'd bin Mu'adh radi anhu went berumrah, then stop at home Umayyah ibn Khalaf Abu Safwan. And usually, if the Umayyads would go to Sham he must pass through the medina and stopped at the house Sa'ad, the Umayyad said to Sa'd, 'Wait until midday, in which human beings have a rest. "Then he went to the Kaaba and perform tawaf. When Saad tawaf, Abu Jahl saw him, then he said, 'Who are those who are tawaf Kaaba?' Sa'ad said, 'I, Saad.' Abu Jahl said, 'Thou tawaf Kaaba with a sense of security when you have to protect Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his Companions?' He said, 'Yes.' Then they both denounce each other, then the Umayyad said to Sa'd, Do not you raise your voice against Abul Hakam, because he is leader of the population of this valley. "Then Sa'd replied, 'By Allah, if you forbid tawaf Kaaba, then I will confront the caravan merchants who go to Sham.'" 'Abdullah said, "Then the Umayyad said to Sa'd , 'Do not you raise your voice -seraya memegangnya-' Then Sa'ad angry and said, 'Keep me away from you, in fact I've heard Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said that he will kill you. 'He said,' Kill me? 'Sa' ad said, 'Yes.' He said, 'By Allah! Muhammad will not lie when it comes. "Then he goes home to his wife and said, 'Do you know what it says sau-daraku of Yathrib?" His wife said,' What did he say? 'He replied,' Surely he heard Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would kill me. "His wife said, 'By Allah, Muhammad is not going to lie.'" 'Abdullah said, "When they went to Badr and came the call (the person calling), his wife said to him,' Do you not remember the words of brother of Yathrib? '' He ('Abdullah) said, "Then he wanted so he would not go. Abu Jahl said to him, 'Surely you were among those honored on the population of this valley, then went one or two days. "So he set off and eventually destroy God." [3] 9
i. Reminds Hostility and resentment That Has Long.
For the ninth which can lead to anger is reminiscent of hostility and resentment that had been long buried. It occurs when a person has resentment to others, then he forgot the sake of religion and faith, so that their hearts together and become brothers in love. In this case the people who envy and envy trying to blacken the back cautious after reaching brotherhood with one way or another in various ways. They are the most effective way to ruin your relationship is reminiscent of revenge which had been long buried. As with any relationship that occurs in the Ansar between tribes of Aus and Khazraj tribes, on the Jahiliyyah they have grudges and hostile and war. When Islam came, there goes resentment between them, then Islam unite them all and unite their opinion.
j. Negligence Will Effects Caused By Angry.
For the latter, that sometimes (human) neglect of the causes and effects obtained from anger, both for individuals and groups, the world and the hereafter which is the cause of anger, it is because if a person is unaware of the effects and consequences of acquired of a case, then he would slip to the case without it know and realize.
[Copied from the Book Mawaaqif Ghadhiba fiihan sallallaahu alaihi wa Sallam Nabiyyu Writer Khumais as-Sa'id, Title in Indonesian Lessons Learned From the fury of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Beni Translators Sarbeni, Ibn Kathir Publisher Reader Bogor, Sha'ban 1426 First Edition H - September 2005 M]
[1]. In this regard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
((أنا زعيم ببيت في ربض الجنة لمن ترك المراء وإن كان محقا ...))
"I became a leader in a place in Heaven for those who meninges-galkan debate even though he is in the right ...", see the book ash-Shahiihah (no. 273).
[2]. Hasan. Reported by at-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Birr wash Shilaah, chapter Maa-a fil Miraa Jaa '(no. 2061), Tuhfatul Ahwadzi (VI / 109). And at-Tirmidhi said: "This is a hasan hadeeth."
[3]. HR. Al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Manaaqib, chapter 'Alaamatun Nubuwwah fil Islaam (Fat-hul Baari VI / 780, no. 3632).
By The
Khumais as-Sa'id
Anger that has causes the trigger and also the factors driving force. Among the causes and factors are the most important driving force is:
a. Overarching Someone Environment.
For the first trigger irritable person is returned to the surrounding environment, the influence of this one more cover than the close neighborhood house or an environmental -that much -that communities-. Sometimes it could be someone that covered a crime-ridden neighborhood in which they assume that brutality is a courage, arbitrariness brutality resulting anger is a form of masculinity, then he is affected by it and be quick-tempered as her habit and characterizes him .
b. Debate or arguing.
The second reason that trigger irritable person is disagreement and debate in a way that is false, that every person who is insulting each other wants to be a winner over the other, but in a manner that is false, and when it did not he get, then he flew into a rage and anger berkobarlah with intent to attack and retaliation, especially if he sees himself stronger or bigger than the opponent debate.
And perhaps that is the reason diperingatkannya someone from arguing and arguing in falsehood mentioned by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. [1]
c. Frolic with falsehood.
The third cause of anger is the result back to the playful attitude (joking) in a way that is false. It was that if the joke is beyond the limits of truth leads to falsehood, then it will lead to hostility, and hostility that will expire in kindling the fire of anger in the hearts of the real picture on the body which leads to brutality and revenge.
Which is probably why the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade joking in a way that is false, it does not mean he never joked, he was joking but he did not say but the truth, he forbade from falsehood joking with his saying:
((لا تمار أخاك ولا تمازخه, ولا تعده موعدة فتخلفه))
"Do not argue with your brother and do not joke with him, and do not promise to him and you betrayed him." [2]
d. Hostile Others In The Form Of Forms Whatever hostility.
For the four resulting anger is hostile to others in the form of any of various forms of hostility. Ie if someone bullied by others with hostility any form of forms, either ridicule, insults, spying, looking genitalia (disgrace) it, backbiting, slander, censure, injuring, arrest and detention in jail, beatings and torture as practiced by most governments of Islamic countries, even the Arab countries in particular against the majority of youth who are and have a high spirit that they have the wrong way is a case that raised the ire of in him, and brought him to the rejection by a form of reason or the other thing.
Perhaps this is because of what was warned by Allaah and His Messenger to the people who are hostile to others unjustly, in which Allaah says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا يسخر قوم من قوم عسى أن يكونوا خيرا منهم ولا نساء من نساء عسى أن يكن خيرا منهن ولا تلمزوا أنفسكم ولا تنابزوا بالألقاب بئس الاسم الفسوق بعد الإيمان ومن لم يتب فأولئك هم الظالمون)11(أيها الذين آمنوا اجتنبوا كثيرا من الظن إن بعض الظن إثم ولا تجسسوا ولا يغتب بعضكم بعضا أيحب أحدكم أن يأكل لحم أخيه ميتا فكرهتموه واتقوا الله إن الله تواب رحيم
"O ye who believe, do not some people make fun of other people (because) may be those (who mocked) better than them (which mocks) and do not also women (mocked) Another woman (because) may be women (who jeered fun) better than women (who mocked) and do not deprecate yourself and do not be called out with bad titles. As bad-bad calls is ( call) after bad faith and whoever does not repent, then they are the people who are wrongdoers. O ye who believe, avoid most of suspicion, in fact most of prejudice that is a sin, and do not find fault with others and do not some of you backbiting others. Sukakah one among you eat the flesh of a dead brother? Then you certainly feel disgusted him. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah Recipients repentance, Most Merciful. " [Al-Hujuraat / 49: 11-12]
e. Arrogant And Proud Of Yourself On Earth With Without Having the Right.
For the fifth resulting anger is arrogant nature and prides itself on the earth without right. It was that people were arrogant and pride themselves on earth with no rights will be easily affected every time lost from him what he believes in order to perpetuate its grandeur and its position among men. If someone asks him his rights, then it can inflame anger, as well as if he was banned by a person of a vile act, or there are people who criticize it in a case that he believes that he has the perfect one from all sides in this, it is not permissible for a person to rule it, ban it or stand in his way, when in fact it is a very real shortage him from all sides, he tried to force these shortcomings with pride and bragging about himself.
f. Meaning of Life Will Struggle forgetfulness.
For the six resulting anger is the soul's forgetfulness of the meaning of struggle, namely that every human diseases will be tested with serious and getting worse, he seems to be a part of the base of the human damage when he relent, and his soul is not striving to eliminate the disease from it or escape from it.
Hence Allaah invites to struggle with his word:
والذين جاهدوا فينا لنهدينهم سبلنا وإن الله لمع المحسنين
"And those who strive for (seeking the pleasure) We, really will We show them our Paths. And verily Allah is with those who do good." [Al-'Ankabuut / 29: 69]
g. Absence of Others Who accomplishing obligation Against People Who Are Angry.
For the seventh resulting anger is not any other people who fulfill its obligations to the people who are angry. It was that man had known deficiencies and disgrace-her shame, but due to weakness in the face of his own soul, in the presence of deception devils of mankind and jinn and jewelry world, then he became weak to escape the disgrace. This deficiency should be assisted by another person who accompanied him until he can free himself from embarrassment and lack of it with anger, because anger is actually going to be severe and serious until he seems to be part of the action and the person who can not be separated in the slightest.
h. A Nature of The Seen Someone Still Less And An act of disgrace.
For the eighth which can lead to anger is a trait that is given to someone and then he looked at the properties have flaws and disgrace. It was that humans when given a properties with the properties he saw still lacking or having a disgrace that makes the position and glory diminished, as he was told. 'If you're male and you certainly meet with so and so and so and so, I think that you are not wanted to meet so and so only because of worry and fear its power,' so things are moving from inside her and reflected on his limbs, he immediately became the the flushed face and eyes, stained and bubbly so do brutality and revenge, as the reasons which led to the release of Umayyah ibn Khalaf to his death in the battle of Badr, as narrated by 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud radi anhu, he said:
((انطلق سعد بن معاذ معتمرا, فنزل على أمية بن خلف أبي صفوان, وكان أمية إذا انطلق إلى الشام فمر بالمدينة نزل على سعد, فقال أمية لسعد: انتظر, حتى إذا انتصف النهار, وغفل الناس, انطلقت فطفت, فبينا سعد يطوف إذا أبو جهل, فقال: من هذا الذي يطوف بالكعبة? فقال سعد: أنا سعد, فقال أبو جهل: تطوف بالكعبة آمنا, وقد آويتم محمدا وأصحابه: فقال: نعم, فتلاحيا بينهما, فقال أمية لسعد: لا ترفع صوتك على أبي الحكم, فإنه سيد أهل الوادي, ثم قال سعد: والله لئن منعتني أن أطوف بالبيت لأقطعن متجرك بالشام. قال: فجعل أمية يقول لسعد: لا ترفع صوتك, وجعل يمسكه فغضب سعد فقال: دعنا عنك, فإني سمعت محمدا صلى الله عليه وسلم يزعم أنه قاتلك, قال: إياي? قال: نعم, قال: والله ما يكذب محمد إذا حدث, فرجع إلى امرأته, فقال: أما تعلمين ما قال لي أخي اليثربي? قالت: وما قال? قال: إنه سمع محمدا يزعم أنه قاتلي, قالت: فوالله ما يكذب محمد, قال: فلما خرجوا إلى بدر وجاء الصريخ, قالت له امرأته: أما ذكرت ما قال لك أخوك اليثربي? قال: فأراد أن لا يخرج, فقال له أبو جهل: إنك من أشراف الوادي, فسر يوما أو يومين, فسار معهم فقتله الله))
"Sa'd bin Mu'adh radi anhu went berumrah, then stop at home Umayyah ibn Khalaf Abu Safwan. And usually, if the Umayyads would go to Sham he must pass through the medina and stopped at the house Sa'ad, the Umayyad said to Sa'd, 'Wait until midday, in which human beings have a rest. "Then he went to the Kaaba and perform tawaf. When Saad tawaf, Abu Jahl saw him, then he said, 'Who are those who are tawaf Kaaba?' Sa'ad said, 'I, Saad.' Abu Jahl said, 'Thou tawaf Kaaba with a sense of security when you have to protect Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his Companions?' He said, 'Yes.' Then they both denounce each other, then the Umayyad said to Sa'd, Do not you raise your voice against Abul Hakam, because he is leader of the population of this valley. "Then Sa'd replied, 'By Allah, if you forbid tawaf Kaaba, then I will confront the caravan merchants who go to Sham.'" 'Abdullah said, "Then the Umayyad said to Sa'd , 'Do not you raise your voice -seraya memegangnya-' Then Sa'ad angry and said, 'Keep me away from you, in fact I've heard Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said that he will kill you. 'He said,' Kill me? 'Sa' ad said, 'Yes.' He said, 'By Allah! Muhammad will not lie when it comes. "Then he goes home to his wife and said, 'Do you know what it says sau-daraku of Yathrib?" His wife said,' What did he say? 'He replied,' Surely he heard Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would kill me. "His wife said, 'By Allah, Muhammad is not going to lie.'" 'Abdullah said, "When they went to Badr and came the call (the person calling), his wife said to him,' Do you not remember the words of brother of Yathrib? '' He ('Abdullah) said, "Then he wanted so he would not go. Abu Jahl said to him, 'Surely you were among those honored on the population of this valley, then went one or two days. "So he set off and eventually destroy God." [3] 9
i. Reminds Hostility and resentment That Has Long.
For the ninth which can lead to anger is reminiscent of hostility and resentment that had been long buried. It occurs when a person has resentment to others, then he forgot the sake of religion and faith, so that their hearts together and become brothers in love. In this case the people who envy and envy trying to blacken the back cautious after reaching brotherhood with one way or another in various ways. They are the most effective way to ruin your relationship is reminiscent of revenge which had been long buried. As with any relationship that occurs in the Ansar between tribes of Aus and Khazraj tribes, on the Jahiliyyah they have grudges and hostile and war. When Islam came, there goes resentment between them, then Islam unite them all and unite their opinion.
j. Negligence Will Effects Caused By Angry.
For the latter, that sometimes (human) neglect of the causes and effects obtained from anger, both for individuals and groups, the world and the hereafter which is the cause of anger, it is because if a person is unaware of the effects and consequences of acquired of a case, then he would slip to the case without it know and realize.
[Copied from the Book Mawaaqif Ghadhiba fiihan sallallaahu alaihi wa Sallam Nabiyyu Writer Khumais as-Sa'id, Title in Indonesian Lessons Learned From the fury of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam Beni Translators Sarbeni, Ibn Kathir Publisher Reader Bogor, Sha'ban 1426 First Edition H - September 2005 M]
[1]. In this regard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
((أنا زعيم ببيت في ربض الجنة لمن ترك المراء وإن كان محقا ...))
"I became a leader in a place in Heaven for those who meninges-galkan debate even though he is in the right ...", see the book ash-Shahiihah (no. 273).
[2]. Hasan. Reported by at-Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Birr wash Shilaah, chapter Maa-a fil Miraa Jaa '(no. 2061), Tuhfatul Ahwadzi (VI / 109). And at-Tirmidhi said: "This is a hasan hadeeth."
[3]. HR. Al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Manaaqib, chapter 'Alaamatun Nubuwwah fil Islaam (Fat-hul Baari VI / 780, no. 3632).
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