The virtue of Dhikr
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على من لانبي بعده اما بعد:
Brother, remembrance of God can turn on the liver, cleaning rust, removes hardness and can beat lust previously mastered and can relate to God Almighty.
We ordered a lot considering his God, his word:
"Therefore, remember you told me, then I will remember (also) to you (by giving grace and forgiveness). And be grateful to Me, and do not deny (to my favor) ". (QS. Al-Baqarah: 152)
... Men and women who many call (name of) Allah, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward. "(QS. Al Ahzaab: 35)
Ibn Abbas something from 'anhuma said about the verse, "The point is that they remember Allah after prayer, in the morning and evening, when in bed, when you wake up, when to go or return to their homes in view of God."
Mujahid said, "Someone did not include men and women who remember Allah much until he remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying down."
Some Benefits About Dhikr
Imam Nawawi said, "The scholars agreed bolehnya dhikr with heart and spoken to people who berhadats, junub, female menstruation and childbirth. And this is the rosary, tahlil (greeting Laailaahaillallah), tahmid, Takbir, bershalawat to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, prayed and others. However, reading the Koran, then it should not be for people who junub, menstruation and childbirth, either read a little or a lot or half of the verse, but may be for them recite the Koran by heart without pronounced, as well as look to the Manuscripts, and read it to myself. "[1]
Imam Nawawi said, "Dhikr can with liver and oral, and the main thing is the liver and oral simultaneously. If only one of them, then with primary liver. Then inappropriate dhikr with oral joint abandoned for fear of mistaken heart riya ', even he still dhikr with both and hope the pleasure of Allah with him. We have already mentioned the words of Fudhail rahimahullah, that left the charity because as humans is riya '. And except for the man opened the door of human attention and keeping away from their allegation of vanity, of many doors were closed to her kindness, and he wasted something bigger than religious matters that are important to her and this is not the path of those who 'wise.'
He also said, "Know the primacy of dhikr is not limited to the rosary, tahlil, tahmid, Takbir, etc. In fact, all the work of obedience to Allaah, then it means he dhikr to God. Thus Sa'id bin Jubair said something from 'anhu and other scholars. 'Ata' rahimahullah said, "Majlis dhikr is halal and haram council, council about how you buy and sell, prayer, fasting, married, mentalak, berhajji and semisalnya."
He also said, "We should have people who dhikr in the most perfect state. If he is sitting somewhere while facing the Qiblah and sat in a state of subjection, humility ', calm and polite as he bowed his head (certainly more mainstream), but if he dhikr in a state other than this, it may be and not makruh him, but if there is no excuse, then he has to leave the main. Such a proposition that is not makruh is the word of Allah Almighty, "Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs for people of understanding, - (ie) those who remember Allah, standing or sitting, lying down and their objec thinking about the creation of the heavens and the earth. "(trans. Ali Imran: 190-191)
He also said, "Know that dhikr favored in all circumstances except in circumstances Personality 'to exclude them. We will mention a bit of it to indicate in others that will be explained in the chapter, in sha Allaah. Among these are dimakruhkan dhikr when sitting defecation, when berjima ', when the sermon lasted for people who hear the voice of the preacher, when stand in prayer, even he sibukkan by reading the Qur'an, and when sleepy. And not makruh while on the road and in the bathroom. And Allah knows best.
He also said, "The purpose of dhikr is the presence of heart. Therefore, fitting it into the intent of people who dhikr, so he tried to make it happen, think of what he called and understand its meaning. "
He also said, "Favored decided dhikr because why, then he came back again after the cause was lost. Among them is if there are people who greet him, then he is responsible greeting, then he returned dhikr. Similarly, if someone sneezes nearby, and he prayed for her and then went on dhikr. Likewise, when I heard the preacher, hear the muezzin, then he answered in a sentence Azan and Iqama, then back dhikr. Similarly, when he saw munkar, then he get rid of it, or there are things that need it ma'ruf show or the person requesting the necessary instructions he replied, then he returned dhikr. Similarly, when the hang of it or any similar drowsiness and other things like this. "
He also said, "Know that dhikr-dhikr are prescribed either in prayer or outside, which is compulsory and that circumcision is not considered and seen until he said it, where he can play himself if healthy hearing; nothing is in the way. "
The virtue of Dhikr
Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
مثل الذي يذكر ربه والذي لا يذكر ربه مثل الحي والميت.
"The likeness of one who remembers his Lord with those who do not remember the Lord is like the parable of people living with the dead." (HR. Bukhari in Fath al Bari 11/208.
Imam Muslim narrated with the following wording:
"The Parable of the house is used for dhikr to God with homes that are not used for dhikr, such as people living with the dead". (Sahih Muslim, 1: 539).
ألا أنبئكم بخير أعمالكم, وأزكاها عند مليككم, وأرفعها في درجاتكم, وخير لكم من إنفاق الذهب والورق, وخير لكم من أن تلقوا عدوكم فتضربوا أعناقهم ويضربوا أعناقكم))? قالوا بلى. قال: ((ذكر الله تعالى.
"Would you, I show you things you do best, the most sacred in your King (God), and the lifting derajatmu; better for you than spend in gold and silver, and better for you than met the enemy, and then you cut off his neck or they cut your throat? "The friend who was present said," Want (O Prophet)! "He said:" Dhikr Allah Who Most High ". (HR. Tirmidhi 5: 459, Ibn Majah 2: 1245. See also Saheeh al-Tirmidhi 3: 139 and Sahih Ibn Majah 2: 316.)
Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
يقول الله تعالى: أنا عند ظن عبدي بي, وأنا معه إذا ذكرني, فإن ذكرني في نفسه ذكرته في نفسي, وإن ذكرني في ملأ ذكرته في ملأ خير منهم, وإن تقرب إلي شبرا تقربت إليه ذراعا, وإن تقرب إلي ذراعا تقربت إليه باعا, وإن أتاني يمشي أتيته هرولة.
Allaah says, according to the conjecture I my servant to me. I'm with him (with knowledge and grace) if he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I remember it in me. If he calls my name in an assembly, I call in association better than them. If he approach me an inch, I approached him one cubit. If he approach me one cubit, I approached him fathom. If he comes to Me walking (normal), then I came to run fast. "(HR. Bukhari 8: 171 and Muslim 4: 2061. Wording of this hadith narrated by Bukhari.)
عن عبد الله بن بسر رضي الله عنه أن رجلا قال: يا رسول الله إن شرائع الإسلام قد كثرت علي فأخبرني بشيء أتشبث به. قال: ((لا يزال لسانك رطبا من ذكر الله.
From Abdullah bin Busr something from 'anhu, he said: There was a man said, "O, Messenger of Allah! Indeed, Islamic law has a lot to me, therefore, notify me something as a handle. "He said," Do not cease your tongue wet with dhikr Allah (tongue always pronounce it). "(HR. At Tirmidhi 5: 458, Ibn Majah 2: 1246, see also Saheeh at-Tirmidhi 3: 139 and Sahih Ibn Majah 2: 317.)
Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
من قرأ حرفا من كتاب الله فله حسنة, والحسنة بعشر أمثالها, لا أقول: {الم} حرف; ولكن: ألف حرف, ولام حرف, وميم حرف.
"Whoever reads a letter from the Koran, then he will get one good. While the goodness will be folded ten semisalnya. I do not say: Alif Lam Mim, one letter. However, the letters alif, lam mim one letter and one letter. "(HR. At-Tirmidhi 5: 175. See also Saheeh At-Tirmidhi 3: 9 and Saheeh Jaami'ush Shaghiir 5: 340.)
عن عقبة بن عامر رضي الله عنه قال: خرج رسول الله ونحن في الصفة فقال: ((أيكم يحب أن يغدو كل يوم إلى بطحان أو إلى العقيق فيأتي منه بناقتين كوماوين في غير اثم ولا قطيعة رحم?)) فقلنا: يا رسول الله نحب ذلك . قال: ((أفلا يغدو أحدكم إلى المسجد فيعلم, أو يقرأ آيتين من كتاب الله عز وجل خير له من ناقتين, وثلاث خير له من ثلاث, وأربع خير له من أربع, ومن أعدادهن من الإبل.
From Uqbah bin Amir radhiallahu'anhu, he said: "The Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam came out, we are in the porch of the mosque (Medina). Then he said, "Who among you who love to leave early on a daily basis to Buthhan or Al-Aqiq, then returned with two large camel punuknya, without doing sin or break silaturrahim?" We (the present) said: "Yes we were pleased, O Messenger of Allah! "then he said," Instead of obtaining four (camels), and if it is then it is better anyway than a camel. "(HR. Muslim 1/553) Does anyone of you do not leave for the mosque, then understand or read two verses of the Koran, it is better for him than two camels. If (understand or read) three (verses) are better than the gain of three (camels). If (understand or read) the four verses would be better for him
Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
من قعد مقعدا لم يذكر الله فيه كانت عليه من الله ترة, ومن اضطجع مضجعا لم يذكر الله فيه كانت عليه من الله ترة.
"Whoever is sitting somewhere, and not dhikr to God in it, he must obtain from God and whoever regret that lie in somewhere and not dhikr to God, must obtain regret of God." (HR. Abu Dawud 4/264 ; Shahihul Jaami '5/342)
ما جلس قوم مجلسا لم يذكروا الله فيه, ولم يصلوا على نبيهم إلا كان عليهم ترة, فإن شاء عذبهم وإن شاء غفر لهم.
"When a people sitting in council, and not dhikr Allah and do not read blessings on the Prophet, surely he gets remorse, if God wills it could torture them and if they want to forgive." (Saheeh at-Tirmidhi 3: 140.)
ما من قوم يقومون من مجلس لا يذكرون الله فيه إلا قاموا عن مثل جيفة حمار وكان لهم حسرة.
"Every nation that stands on an assembly, which they do not dhikr to God in them, then they like to stand out of the carcass of a donkey and it becomes regret them (on the Day of Resurrection)." (HR. Abu Dawud 4/264, Ahmad 2 / 389 and Shahihul Jami '5/176)
benefits of Dhikr
Dhikr has many benefits, including:
Cast out demons.
Making the pleasure of Allah Ar Rahman.
Eliminate sadness and anxiety.
Strengthens the heart and body.
Illuminate the face.
Bring sustenance.
Pass back attitude to God.
Give authority.
Make the heart of life.
Food for the heart.
Abort sins.
Eliminate anxiety among the Lord's servant.
For the fall of the angels.
For oral away from backbiting (talk about someone else).
Majlis dhikr is majlis angels.
As the worship of the easiest.
Into a plant paradise.
Give light to those who dhikr in the world.
Dhikr is the culmination of all affairs.
Dhikr wake of his heart (see al Waabilush Shayyib).
And Allah knows best, sallallaahu wa 'ala Muhammad wa' alaa aalihi shahbihi wa wa sallam.
By: Marwan ibn Musa
Maraji ': Dzikirullah (Ash-Shaikh Tariq Shaikh), Muslim Hishnul (Dr. Sa'eed Al Qahthani), Al Adzkaar (Imam Nawawi), Treatise fid dima'ith thabii'iyyah (Shaykh Ibn' Uthaymeen) etc.
[1] However, according to Imam Bukhari, Ibn Jarir and Ibn al-Mundhir, it is allowed. Even Imam Bukhari mentions mu'allaq (without sanad) of Ibrahim An Nakha'iy that is not why the menstruating woman reading Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen Alquran.Menurut, women who are menstruating should not recite the Qur'an unless necessary, for example, he was an educator to teach the Koran to another woman or she was a test, in which he needed to read the Koran.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على من لانبي بعده اما بعد:
Brother, remembrance of God can turn on the liver, cleaning rust, removes hardness and can beat lust previously mastered and can relate to God Almighty.
We ordered a lot considering his God, his word:
"Therefore, remember you told me, then I will remember (also) to you (by giving grace and forgiveness). And be grateful to Me, and do not deny (to my favor) ". (QS. Al-Baqarah: 152)
... Men and women who many call (name of) Allah, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward. "(QS. Al Ahzaab: 35)
Ibn Abbas something from 'anhuma said about the verse, "The point is that they remember Allah after prayer, in the morning and evening, when in bed, when you wake up, when to go or return to their homes in view of God."
Mujahid said, "Someone did not include men and women who remember Allah much until he remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying down."
Some Benefits About Dhikr
Imam Nawawi said, "The scholars agreed bolehnya dhikr with heart and spoken to people who berhadats, junub, female menstruation and childbirth. And this is the rosary, tahlil (greeting Laailaahaillallah), tahmid, Takbir, bershalawat to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, prayed and others. However, reading the Koran, then it should not be for people who junub, menstruation and childbirth, either read a little or a lot or half of the verse, but may be for them recite the Koran by heart without pronounced, as well as look to the Manuscripts, and read it to myself. "[1]
Imam Nawawi said, "Dhikr can with liver and oral, and the main thing is the liver and oral simultaneously. If only one of them, then with primary liver. Then inappropriate dhikr with oral joint abandoned for fear of mistaken heart riya ', even he still dhikr with both and hope the pleasure of Allah with him. We have already mentioned the words of Fudhail rahimahullah, that left the charity because as humans is riya '. And except for the man opened the door of human attention and keeping away from their allegation of vanity, of many doors were closed to her kindness, and he wasted something bigger than religious matters that are important to her and this is not the path of those who 'wise.'
He also said, "Know the primacy of dhikr is not limited to the rosary, tahlil, tahmid, Takbir, etc. In fact, all the work of obedience to Allaah, then it means he dhikr to God. Thus Sa'id bin Jubair said something from 'anhu and other scholars. 'Ata' rahimahullah said, "Majlis dhikr is halal and haram council, council about how you buy and sell, prayer, fasting, married, mentalak, berhajji and semisalnya."
He also said, "We should have people who dhikr in the most perfect state. If he is sitting somewhere while facing the Qiblah and sat in a state of subjection, humility ', calm and polite as he bowed his head (certainly more mainstream), but if he dhikr in a state other than this, it may be and not makruh him, but if there is no excuse, then he has to leave the main. Such a proposition that is not makruh is the word of Allah Almighty, "Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs for people of understanding, - (ie) those who remember Allah, standing or sitting, lying down and their objec thinking about the creation of the heavens and the earth. "(trans. Ali Imran: 190-191)
He also said, "Know that dhikr favored in all circumstances except in circumstances Personality 'to exclude them. We will mention a bit of it to indicate in others that will be explained in the chapter, in sha Allaah. Among these are dimakruhkan dhikr when sitting defecation, when berjima ', when the sermon lasted for people who hear the voice of the preacher, when stand in prayer, even he sibukkan by reading the Qur'an, and when sleepy. And not makruh while on the road and in the bathroom. And Allah knows best.
He also said, "The purpose of dhikr is the presence of heart. Therefore, fitting it into the intent of people who dhikr, so he tried to make it happen, think of what he called and understand its meaning. "
He also said, "Favored decided dhikr because why, then he came back again after the cause was lost. Among them is if there are people who greet him, then he is responsible greeting, then he returned dhikr. Similarly, if someone sneezes nearby, and he prayed for her and then went on dhikr. Likewise, when I heard the preacher, hear the muezzin, then he answered in a sentence Azan and Iqama, then back dhikr. Similarly, when he saw munkar, then he get rid of it, or there are things that need it ma'ruf show or the person requesting the necessary instructions he replied, then he returned dhikr. Similarly, when the hang of it or any similar drowsiness and other things like this. "
He also said, "Know that dhikr-dhikr are prescribed either in prayer or outside, which is compulsory and that circumcision is not considered and seen until he said it, where he can play himself if healthy hearing; nothing is in the way. "
The virtue of Dhikr
Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
مثل الذي يذكر ربه والذي لا يذكر ربه مثل الحي والميت.
"The likeness of one who remembers his Lord with those who do not remember the Lord is like the parable of people living with the dead." (HR. Bukhari in Fath al Bari 11/208.
Imam Muslim narrated with the following wording:
"The Parable of the house is used for dhikr to God with homes that are not used for dhikr, such as people living with the dead". (Sahih Muslim, 1: 539).
ألا أنبئكم بخير أعمالكم, وأزكاها عند مليككم, وأرفعها في درجاتكم, وخير لكم من إنفاق الذهب والورق, وخير لكم من أن تلقوا عدوكم فتضربوا أعناقهم ويضربوا أعناقكم))? قالوا بلى. قال: ((ذكر الله تعالى.
"Would you, I show you things you do best, the most sacred in your King (God), and the lifting derajatmu; better for you than spend in gold and silver, and better for you than met the enemy, and then you cut off his neck or they cut your throat? "The friend who was present said," Want (O Prophet)! "He said:" Dhikr Allah Who Most High ". (HR. Tirmidhi 5: 459, Ibn Majah 2: 1245. See also Saheeh al-Tirmidhi 3: 139 and Sahih Ibn Majah 2: 316.)
Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
يقول الله تعالى: أنا عند ظن عبدي بي, وأنا معه إذا ذكرني, فإن ذكرني في نفسه ذكرته في نفسي, وإن ذكرني في ملأ ذكرته في ملأ خير منهم, وإن تقرب إلي شبرا تقربت إليه ذراعا, وإن تقرب إلي ذراعا تقربت إليه باعا, وإن أتاني يمشي أتيته هرولة.
Allaah says, according to the conjecture I my servant to me. I'm with him (with knowledge and grace) if he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in himself, I remember it in me. If he calls my name in an assembly, I call in association better than them. If he approach me an inch, I approached him one cubit. If he approach me one cubit, I approached him fathom. If he comes to Me walking (normal), then I came to run fast. "(HR. Bukhari 8: 171 and Muslim 4: 2061. Wording of this hadith narrated by Bukhari.)
عن عبد الله بن بسر رضي الله عنه أن رجلا قال: يا رسول الله إن شرائع الإسلام قد كثرت علي فأخبرني بشيء أتشبث به. قال: ((لا يزال لسانك رطبا من ذكر الله.
From Abdullah bin Busr something from 'anhu, he said: There was a man said, "O, Messenger of Allah! Indeed, Islamic law has a lot to me, therefore, notify me something as a handle. "He said," Do not cease your tongue wet with dhikr Allah (tongue always pronounce it). "(HR. At Tirmidhi 5: 458, Ibn Majah 2: 1246, see also Saheeh at-Tirmidhi 3: 139 and Sahih Ibn Majah 2: 317.)
Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
من قرأ حرفا من كتاب الله فله حسنة, والحسنة بعشر أمثالها, لا أقول: {الم} حرف; ولكن: ألف حرف, ولام حرف, وميم حرف.
"Whoever reads a letter from the Koran, then he will get one good. While the goodness will be folded ten semisalnya. I do not say: Alif Lam Mim, one letter. However, the letters alif, lam mim one letter and one letter. "(HR. At-Tirmidhi 5: 175. See also Saheeh At-Tirmidhi 3: 9 and Saheeh Jaami'ush Shaghiir 5: 340.)
عن عقبة بن عامر رضي الله عنه قال: خرج رسول الله ونحن في الصفة فقال: ((أيكم يحب أن يغدو كل يوم إلى بطحان أو إلى العقيق فيأتي منه بناقتين كوماوين في غير اثم ولا قطيعة رحم?)) فقلنا: يا رسول الله نحب ذلك . قال: ((أفلا يغدو أحدكم إلى المسجد فيعلم, أو يقرأ آيتين من كتاب الله عز وجل خير له من ناقتين, وثلاث خير له من ثلاث, وأربع خير له من أربع, ومن أعدادهن من الإبل.
From Uqbah bin Amir radhiallahu'anhu, he said: "The Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam came out, we are in the porch of the mosque (Medina). Then he said, "Who among you who love to leave early on a daily basis to Buthhan or Al-Aqiq, then returned with two large camel punuknya, without doing sin or break silaturrahim?" We (the present) said: "Yes we were pleased, O Messenger of Allah! "then he said," Instead of obtaining four (camels), and if it is then it is better anyway than a camel. "(HR. Muslim 1/553) Does anyone of you do not leave for the mosque, then understand or read two verses of the Koran, it is better for him than two camels. If (understand or read) three (verses) are better than the gain of three (camels). If (understand or read) the four verses would be better for him
Messenger shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam said:
من قعد مقعدا لم يذكر الله فيه كانت عليه من الله ترة, ومن اضطجع مضجعا لم يذكر الله فيه كانت عليه من الله ترة.
"Whoever is sitting somewhere, and not dhikr to God in it, he must obtain from God and whoever regret that lie in somewhere and not dhikr to God, must obtain regret of God." (HR. Abu Dawud 4/264 ; Shahihul Jaami '5/342)
ما جلس قوم مجلسا لم يذكروا الله فيه, ولم يصلوا على نبيهم إلا كان عليهم ترة, فإن شاء عذبهم وإن شاء غفر لهم.
"When a people sitting in council, and not dhikr Allah and do not read blessings on the Prophet, surely he gets remorse, if God wills it could torture them and if they want to forgive." (Saheeh at-Tirmidhi 3: 140.)
ما من قوم يقومون من مجلس لا يذكرون الله فيه إلا قاموا عن مثل جيفة حمار وكان لهم حسرة.
"Every nation that stands on an assembly, which they do not dhikr to God in them, then they like to stand out of the carcass of a donkey and it becomes regret them (on the Day of Resurrection)." (HR. Abu Dawud 4/264, Ahmad 2 / 389 and Shahihul Jami '5/176)
benefits of Dhikr
Dhikr has many benefits, including:
Cast out demons.
Making the pleasure of Allah Ar Rahman.
Eliminate sadness and anxiety.
Strengthens the heart and body.
Illuminate the face.
Bring sustenance.
Pass back attitude to God.
Give authority.
Make the heart of life.
Food for the heart.
Abort sins.
Eliminate anxiety among the Lord's servant.
For the fall of the angels.
For oral away from backbiting (talk about someone else).
Majlis dhikr is majlis angels.
As the worship of the easiest.
Into a plant paradise.
Give light to those who dhikr in the world.
Dhikr is the culmination of all affairs.
Dhikr wake of his heart (see al Waabilush Shayyib).
And Allah knows best, sallallaahu wa 'ala Muhammad wa' alaa aalihi shahbihi wa wa sallam.
By: Marwan ibn Musa
Maraji ': Dzikirullah (Ash-Shaikh Tariq Shaikh), Muslim Hishnul (Dr. Sa'eed Al Qahthani), Al Adzkaar (Imam Nawawi), Treatise fid dima'ith thabii'iyyah (Shaykh Ibn' Uthaymeen) etc.
[1] However, according to Imam Bukhari, Ibn Jarir and Ibn al-Mundhir, it is allowed. Even Imam Bukhari mentions mu'allaq (without sanad) of Ibrahim An Nakha'iy that is not why the menstruating woman reading Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen Alquran.Menurut, women who are menstruating should not recite the Qur'an unless necessary, for example, he was an educator to teach the Koran to another woman or she was a test, in which he needed to read the Koran.
Tag :
prayer and remembrance
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