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Rulings for One who Works as Boxer

Rulings for One who Works as Boxer

Rulings for One who Works as Boxer

Rulings for One who Works as Boxer

On being a boxer
Boxing is unlawful in shari’a, but there are two details regarding the rulings for boxing that we must differ:
First, someone who exercised and sported to strengthen his body by punching something he used as his exercise target. This practice is alright.

Second: Someone who take boxing as his profession, and he practiced his boxing skill on the ring. He punched his opponent’s face and he tortured him to make him fall. This second type is forbidden, because the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said,
ولا تضرب الوجه
“Don’t hit the face.” (Narrated by Abu Daud no 2142, classed good-valid by Sheikh al Albani)
Hence, it is forbidden for a father or a teacher or anyone beside them to hit other people in hid face.
The main point of boxing is hitting the face. There were cases of brain concussion due to the hit on head. As the conclusion, boxing is very dangerous. Hence, practicing it and making it as a profession is something forbidden and unlawful in shari’a. As for exercises and sports that merely use the movement of boxing are alright.
Author: Ustadz Aris Munandar, S.S., M.PI.
Tag : lain lain, syaria

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