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Laws Relating to prayer congregation

Laws Relating to prayer congregation

LAWS RELATING TO prayer congregation

by The
Ustadz Kholid Syamhudi Lc

Prayer congregation has manners and related laws. All of this because of his position has significance in Islam. Meanwhile, many Muslims who do not know this. Often found in the prayer in congregation, they pay less attention to manners and related law. Causing them to fall into error and sin, even kebid'ahan.

Minimum limit for the congregation prayer is two people. A priest and a congregation. This amount has been agreed upon by the scholars.

Ibn Qudamah states, "Prayer congregation can be done by two or more persons. We have not found a difference of opinion in this matter. "[1]

Similarly, Ibn Hubairoh stated, "The scholars agree, the minimum limit is two people praying congregation. That priest and congregation who stood on his right. "[2]

Prayers congregation is considered valid, although makmumnya a small child or a woman. Based on the hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbaas anhu which reads:

بت عند خالتي فقام النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يصلي من الليل فقمت أصلي معه فقمت عن يساره فأخذ برأسي فأقامني عن يمينه

I slept at my aunt's house, then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam made his prayers night waking. Then I also pray with her and stood beside her left. Then he grabbed my head and moved me to the right side. [3]

Similarly, the hadeeth of Anas ibn Malik radi 'anhu:

أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم صلى به وبأمه قال فأقامني عن يمينه وأقام المرأة خلفنا

Indeed Rasululah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam praying mengimami him and his mother. Anas said, "He put me on the right and the woman (mother) behind us." [4]

The more the number of congregation, the greater the reward, and the more favored of God, based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

وصلاة الرجل مع الرجل أزكى من صلاته وحده وصلاة الرجل مع الرجلين أزكى من صلاته مع الرجل وما كانوا أكثر فهو أحب إلى الله عز وجل

Prayers with others better than praying alone. Prayers with two better than praying with a. The more (the prayer) is preferred semakim Allah Almighty. [5]

This hadith clearly indicates, that the more the number jama'ahnya increasingly more mainstream and more pleasing to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

Similarly, a child who has mumayiz, may be a priest in the opinion of the rajih. It is based on the hadith of 'Amr ibn Salamah radi' anhu which reads:

فلما كانت وقعة أهل الفتح بادر كل قوم بإسلامهم وبدر أبي قومي بإسلامهم فلما قدم قال جئتكم والله من عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم حقا فقال صلوا صلاة كذا في حين كذا وصلوا صلاة كذا في حين كذا فإذا حضرت الصلاة فليؤذن أحدكم وليؤمكم أكثركم قرآنا فنظروا فلم يكن أحد أكثر قرآنا مني فقدموني بين أيديهم وأنا ابن ست أو سبع سنين

When there is the conquest of Makkah, each of the coming declare their Islam. My father came declared Islamic my people. When he returned he said, "By Allah, I bring to you the truth of the Prophet," and said, "Pray you, this prayer at this time and this Pray at this time. If you have entered a time of prayer, let one of you beradzan and most people who become priests memorizing Quran. "Then they look for (priest). It turned out that no one more than me Al Quran recitation. Then they appointed me as a priest and I was then twenty-six or seven years. [6]

SAY WHEN found prayer congregation?
Illustration of this problem is that someone came to the mosque to pray in congregation. Then the priest found bertasyahud end, then bertakbiratul ihram. What is said to be rewarded masbuq congregation together priests, or is regarded as prayer alone (munfarid)?

In this issue, the scholars are divided into three different opinions.

First: Prayer Jamat Obtained By Takbir Before Imam Salam.
This opinion Hanafiyah and Syafi'iyah schools. Postulated by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said:

إذا أقيمت الصلاة فلا تأتوها تسعون وأتوها تمشون عليكم السكينة فما أدركتم فصلوا وما فاتكم فأتموا

If prayer has Iqama, then do not come to him to run. Go to the walk. You must be calm. What you find, then Pray and complete my missed. [7]

In this hadith stated, people who get a priest in a state of prostration or sit tasyahud end as people who get the prayer congregation, then complete missed. So people who bertakbir ihram before the priest greeting, said getting the prayer congregation.

Second: Distinguishing Between Friday and congregation. If the Friday prayer, Look To raka'at And Jama'ah Looking To Takbir.
Meaningful, in Friday prayers, someone said to get the Friday prayers along with the priest, when you get one rak'ah together priest. Said to get the congregation, when bertakbir before the priest say hello. It's famous opinion of the Shafi'i madhhab. [8]

Third: Getting prayer congregation said, When Getting A Joint raka'at Imam.
Such schools Malikiyah opinion, Imam Ghazali and Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab and Abdurrahman bin Nasir Assa'di have merajihkannya. [9]

Postulated by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said.

من أدرك ركعة من الصلاة فقد أدرك الصلاة

Who gets rak'ah of prayer, it has gained the prayer. [10]

And the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar, which reads:

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من أدرك ركعة من صلاة الجمعة أو غيرها فقد أدرك الصلاة

The Prophet said, "Whoever get the cycles of Friday prayers or otherwise, it has gained the prayer." [11]

While raka'at seen from ruku'nya, as described in the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah that marfu ':

إذا جئتم إلى الصلاة ونحن سجود فاسجدوا ولا تعدوها شيئا ومن أدرك الركعة فقد أدرك الصلاة

If you set out to pray and find we are prostrating, then prostrate and should not be counted as cycles. Whoever gets rak'ah, then had to get prayer. [12]

They stated, "People who get one rak'ah of the Friday prayer or otherwise, then the (presumed) get prayer. Likewise prayer congregation, not considered it, except to get one rak'ah. "[13]

This opinion dirajihkan Shaykh al-Islam in his statement: The truth is that this opinion, because of the following:
1. According to Shari'ah, -in this case- is not related to the interpretation of any law. Not related to the time nor the Friday or the congregation or the other. Takbir here, is a trait that is not related to any legal (washfun mulgha) in a review of shari'ah. Therefore, should not be used as evidence.

2. Shari'a can only associate status regarding whether or not to have rak'ah prayer congregation. Relation to the interpretation will destroy ... ...

3. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam associate of failure by prayer congregation along with the imam rak'ah. This is a problem texts.

4. Friday could not be obtained by a person, except when getting rak'ah. Thus fatwa companions the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, including: Ibn Umar, Ibn Mas'ood, Anas and others. in this case, is not known to have a friend who menyelisihi them. Even some scholars assert, it is ijma 'friend. Legal separation Friday with the congregation here is not correct. Therefore, Abu Hanifa leaving his usul and distinguish between them. But Hadith and atsar companions cancel his opinion.

5. If you do not get one raka'atpun together priests, it is not considered to get the congregation. Because he completed all parts of the prayer with alone. He did not get a single piece countless priests pray together. All parts of the prayer was doing alone. [14]

This opinion is opinion rajih. And Allah knows best bish sowab.

In Salah in congregation LAW NAFILAH [15]
Nafilah Salah (prayer tathawu ') is very important for a Muslim. Even complement and complement fard prayer. Seeing the importance of this issue, it is important to know about the law clearly congregation in prayer nafilah.

Judging from pensyari'atan congregation in prayer nafilah, then divided into two.

The First. Prayers nafilah that disyari'atkan practice it with the congregation. Consists of:
1. Kusuf Salah (prayer solar eclipse). Disunnahkan Salah in congregation is based on the consensus of the jurists'. While lunar eclipse prayer, there is disagreement about the scholars. Imam Abu Hanifa and Malik stated, not disunnahkan. While Imam Shafi'i and Ahmad stated, Sunnah.
2. Prayer Istisqa '(prayer for rain), disunnahkan congregation. According schools Malikiyah, Syafi'iyah, Hanbaleeyyah and two disciples of Abu Hanifa, Abu Yusuf and Mohammad ibn Hasan. While Abu Hanifa argued disunnahkan not in congregation.
3. Eid prayer, disunnahkan congregation is ijma 'of the Muslims.
4. Tarawih Prayers

Second: Prayer nafilah are not disyari'atkan congregation.
Prayers that disyari'atkan do it alone (not in congregation) is very much at all. Among them are: rawatib prayer, prayer and the sunnah mutlaqah disunnahkan on every night and day.

About laws do these prayers in congregation, there is strife among the scholars. Syafi'iyah schools and Hanbaleeyyah allow congregation. Memakruhkannya Hanafiyah schools; and schools Malikiyah allow congregation, except the Sunnah rawatib before dawn. They stated that, menyelisihi more mainstream, may rest with the terms jama'ahnya not many and not in a place that is famous, for fear of riya 'and the emergence of the notion that the right was mandatory.

However, the truth is of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He never did both. Never do the sunnah prayer with congregation and alone. As the following history:

عن أنس بن مالك أن جدته مليكة دعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لطعام صنعته فأكل منه ثم قال قوموا فأصلي لكم قال أنس بن مالك فقمت إلى حصير لنا قد اسود من طول ما لبس فقام عليه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وصففت أنا واليتيم وراءه والعجوز من ورائنا فصلى لنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ركعتين ثم انصرف

Anas radi 'anhu, he said that his grandmother named Mualikah invite Messenger meals made. Then the Prophet ate it and said, "Get up you guys, I'm going to pray in congregation with you." Anas said, "I took the mat we have black because of the length of use, and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam rise. I and an orphan make rows behind him, while the elderly woman standing behind us. Prophet prayed two rak'ahs then go. "[16]

عن عتبان بن مالك أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أتاه في منزله فقال أين تحب أن أصلي لك من بيتك قال فأشرت له إلى مكان فكبر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وصففنا خلفه فصلى ركعتين

From 'Utban bin Malik, that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam came to him in his house, and said, "Where are you from this house like I pray for you?" Then I show one place. Then he bertakbir and we make rows behind him. He prayed two rak'ahs. [17]

Likewise Shaykh Salih As merajihkan Sadlan permissibility opinion on the condition, as well as his statement, "The truth of which we have stated, nafilah be done in congregation. Both nafilahnya is rawatib or sunna sunnah mustahabbah or tathawu 'mutlaq. But in any event, do not make it as a habit, not revealed openly, and made for a reason. As requested host or because they perform the same in the sunna. For example, when guests visit. If he and his host Witr prayer in congregation, with the proviso does not arise kebid'ahan or matter that is not allowed by the Shari'ah. (But), if one of those mentioned were the case, then do not disyari'atkan congregation. "[18]

In conclusion, it is permissible to pray the sunnah of the congregation, for no cause kebid'ahan or violation of the Shari'ah and required for it. And Allah knows best.

Udzur THAT ALLOW NOT ATTEND prayer congregation
Not allowed to attend prayers in congregation with specific causes. Among these causes are as follows:

1. Cold and rain.
Based on the hadith of Nafi ', he said.

أن ابن عمر أذن بالصلاة في ليلة ذات برد وريح ثم قال ألا صلوا في الرحال ثم قال إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يأمر المؤذن إذا كانت ليلة ذات برد ومطر يقول ألا صلوا في الرحال

Indeed Ibn Umar beradzan for prayer on a cold night and blustery, then said, "Ala shallu fi rihalikum (Pray you at your home)." Then he said, "Verily Allah ordered the muezzins, if a cold and rainy night saying, 'Ala shallu fi rihal '. "[Mutafaqun' alaihi].

2. Pain sufferers attending congregation burdensome.
Based on the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

وماجعل عليكم في الدين من حرج ملة أبيكم إبراهيم هو سماكم المسلمين من قبل

He never made for you in religion. (Follow) the religion of Abraham your parents. He (Allah) have named you all the Muslims of the former. [Al-Hajj: 78].

Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when sick and could not leading prayers several days:

مروا أبا بكر فليصل للناس

Command of Abu Bakr that human mengimami. [19]

Ibn Hazm said, "It is not in dispute." [20]

3. Unsafe conditions that could endanger themselves, property and honor.
Based on the word of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

لا يكلف الله نفسا إلا وسعها

Allah does not burden a person but according to his ability. [Al-Baqarah: 286].

Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

من سمع النداء فلم يأته فلا صلاة له إلا من عذر

Anyone who heard the call to prayer and does not come, then there is no prayer for him, except for udzur [21]. In the history of Al Bayhaqi no additional commentary udzur here, with pain or fear (insecurity). [22]

4. When the food has been served and hold urination small or large.
Based on the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

لا صلاة بحضرة الطعام ولا هو يدافعه الأخبثان

Should not pray when the food was served, nor when holding shitting small and large. [23]

5. Overslept.
Based on the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

إنه ليس في النوم تفريط إنما التفريط على من لم يصل الصلاة حتى يجيء وقت الصلاة الأخرى فمن فعل ذلك فليصلها حين ينتبه لها

Not overslept tafrith (reprehensible), but tafrith only in people who do not pray until it comes time to pray the other. He who does so, then let prayer when realized. [24]

Such are some important matters relating to the congregation prayers. Hope it is useful.

[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 02 / Year VII / 1420H / 1999m Published Standing Committee Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Purwodadi Km. 8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 08121533647, 08157579296]
[1]. Al Mughni 3/7.
[2]. Al Ifshah An Ma'anish Sihah, 1/155. Quoted from Shalatul Jama'ah, by Prof. Dr Salih bin Ghanim As Sadlan, p. 47. See also the statement of this agreement in Raudhatun Nadiyah, works Siddeeq Hasan Khan, 1/308.
[3]. Narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih, book Al Khamis, Chapter: Ma Ja'a Fil Witri, no. 937.
[4]. Narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh, book Al Masajid Wa Mawadhi 'Salah, Chapter: Jawazu Al Jama'ah Fin Nafilah Wash Salah Wa Ala Hashir Khamrah, no. 1056.
[5]. Narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan, Book of Prayers Ash, Chapter: Fadhli Shalatul Fi Jamat, 467, An Nasa'i in his Sunan, book Al Imamate, Chapter: Al Jama'ah Idza Kana Itsnaini, no .834, Ahmad in his Musnad no.20312 and Al Hakim in his Mustadrak, 3/269. This hadith classed as saheeh in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah her, 2 / 366-367 no. 1477.
[6]. Narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih, book Al Maghazi, no. 3963.
[7]. Narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih.
[8]. See Majmu 'Fatawa 23/331.
[9]. See Shalatul Jama'ah, p. 50. About tarjih they can be seen in the book Adab Al Masyi Ila Prayer, p. 29 and Al Mukhtarat Al Jaliyah Fil Masail Al fiqhiyah (in Al Majmu'ah Al Kamilah Li Mualafat, Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Nasir Assa'di, 2/109.
[10]. Narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih, Book Mawaqitus Salah, Chapter: Man adraka Minas rak'ah prayer, no. 546 and Muslim in his Saheeh, book Al Masajid Wa Mawadhi 'Salah, Chapter: Man adraka Minas raka'at Faqad adraka Salah Salah, no. 954.
[11]. Narrated by An Nasa'i in his Sunan, book Al Mawaqit, Chapter: Man adraka Rak'atan Minas Prayer, no. 554; Ibn Majah in his Sunan, Book of Prayers Iqamatush Was Fiha Sunnah, Chapter: Ma Ja'a Fiman adraka Minal Rak'atan Friday, no.1113 and Ibn Khuzaymah in his Sahih 3/173.
[12]. Narrated by Abu Dawud in his Sunan, Book of Prayers Ash, Chapter: Fi Rajuli Yudrikul Imam Sajidan Kaifa Yasna ', no. 759.
[13]. See Shalatul Jama'ah, p. 51.
[14]. Majmu 'Fataawa 23 / 331-332 with a little cutting.
[15]. Summarized from Shalatul Jama'ah, the work of Shaykh Salih As Sadlan, p. 74-78 with some changes
[16]. Narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh, book Al Masajid Wa Mawadhi 'Salah, Chapter: Jawazu Al Jama'ah Fin Nafilah Salah Was Wa Ala Hashir Khamrah, no. 1053.
[17] .Diriwayatkan by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih, Book of Prayers Ash, Chapter: Idza Dahala Baitan Haitsu Sya, no. 406.
[18]. Shalatul Jama'ah, p. 77-78.
[19]. Narrated by Imam Bukhari in his Sahih.
[20] Muhalla, 4/351.
[21] Reported by Ibn Majah in his Sunan, book Al Masajid Wal Jama'ah, Chapter: At Taghlidz Fi At Takhalluf 'Anil Jamat, no. 785. This hadith classed as saheeh al-Albani in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Majah, no. 631.
[22]. Presented by the writer of the group Prayers, p. 199 and bore his Sunan Kubra Bayhaqi 1/185.
[23]. Narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh, book Al Masajid Wa Mawadhi Salah, Chapter: Bi Hadhratith Tha'am Karahatus Salah, no. 869.
[24]. Narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh, book Al Masajid Wa Mawadhi Salah, Chapter: Qadha 'Prayer Fawait, no. 1099.

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