Dzikirullah it Soothing Liver
Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala rasulillah, amma ba'du,
Allah says,
ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب
Remember, only with the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. (QS. Ar-Ra'du: 28)
I am sure, you all already knew. This verse is one of the most quoted verses preachers in their sermons.
Calm heart including the favor of God. Because the heart is quiet, he can focus on thinking about what benefits him. However, here we do not discuss sobriety, which we will discuss is the reason that reassuring. And in the above verse, Allah states, only dhikrullah reassuring.
What is the meaning dhikrullah?
Dhikrullah sentence consists of two words: words dhikr [Arabic: ذكر] and the word of God [Arabic: الله]. Combined these two words form the word idhafah, which consists of mudhaf and mudhaf ilaih. In our language called phrases, a combination of two words that make up a new word that has a grammatical meaning.
Zikr is mudhaf word and the word of God be mudhaf ilaih.
In meaning, the phrase is divided into two: DM (explained-explained) and MD (explained-explained). Lock the door (phrase DM) and three tails (phrase MD).
We use Indonesian lessons above to understand the meaning of the word dhikrullah approach.
We start from the question, said that the phrase dzikirullah DM or MD?
We consider the conclusion of Ibn Qoyim explanation,
In the arrangement idhafah word "recollection of God", mudhaf ilaih (words: Allah) may be placed as maf'ul (object) and may be placed as fa'il (subject).
If we interpret the word of God as maf'ul (object), the meaning of the word recollection of God is given the name and glory of God.
Ibn Qoyim said,
أحدهما: أنه ذكر العبد ربه, فإنه يطمئن إليه قلبه, ويسكن. فإذا اضطرب القلب وقلق فليس له ما يطمئن به سوى ذكر الله
The first opinion about the meaning dhikrullah is a servant given name of his Lord. Because the heart will calm by remembering his name. When a shaken heart, leading to confusion, no one can make him quiet, apart from the remembrance of Allah.
Then, the second meaning.
If the word of God in the phrase is understood serves as fa'il (subject), then dhikrullah meaning is 'warning of God' or warning sent by Allah.
Ibn Qoyim explained,
والقول الثاني: أن ذكر الله هاهنا القرآن, وهو ذكره الذي أنزله على رسوله به طمأنينة قلوب المؤمنين. فإن القلب لا يطمئن إلا بالإيمان واليقين. ولا سبيل إلى حصول الإيمان واليقين إلا من القرآن
The second opinion, that the meaning dhikrullah here is the Koran. Because the Quran is His warning that He sent down to His Messenger, as a balm for the hearts of the believers. Because the liver is not going to be quiet, but with faith and believe. And there is no way to get faith and believe, except from the Koran.
Ibn Qoyim continued,
فإن سكون القلب وطمأنينته من يقينه, واضطرابه وقلقه من شكه. والقرآن هو المحصل لليقين الدافع للشكوك والظنون والأوهام. فلا تطمئن قلوب المؤمنين إلا به. وهذا القول هو المختار
Because of tranquility and breathtaking thumakninah confident that the results of strength. While shaken and confused sourced from doubts. While the Koran is a sure source, which hinders doubt, and obscurity. Therefore, the heart of a believer will not be quiet except the Koran. And this opinion is stronger.
(at-Tafsir al-Qoyyim, p. 336).
Studying Religion Dzikrullah
I repeat, dhikrullah has two meanings
First, the view of God, remembering his name, his majesty, by reading sentences tayyibah, such as beads, tahmid, Takbir, tahlil, or others. And this is the commonly understood meaning of community. When called dhikrullah word, which comes from the heart is given and the name of God with lafadz-lafadz dhikr.
Second, a warning from God, or in other words, all the teachings of the Shari'a. Both are there in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And this second meaning that rarely recognized community. Though the meaning is considered more robust by Ibn Qoyim. Although more precise, the meaning of the word dhikrullah can cover both.
Given the significance of this often forgotten, we need to emphasize, that the true religion and learning activities, reviewing the Koran and the Sunnah, including dhikrullah activities. In the Qur'an, God calls warning disampaikn the Friday sermon as dhikrullah,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا نودي للصلاة من يوم الجمعة فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله وذروا البيع
O you who believe, if called upon to perform the Friday prayers, then you made haste to leave dhikrullah and purchase (QS. Al-Jumu'ah: 9)
Yet we know, the activities in remembrance activities Jumatan not pilgrims, tahlilan, Shalawatan, or yasinan. But the congregation listen to the warning of a preacher of God's law, so that they become educated public.
You learn religion, reading Islamic books that are useful, review the interpretation, understand the Sunnah and Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, you need to realize that you're doing dhikrullah.
God knows best
Bismillah was shalatu was salamu 'ala rasulillah, amma ba'du,
Allah says,
ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب
Remember, only with the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. (QS. Ar-Ra'du: 28)
I am sure, you all already knew. This verse is one of the most quoted verses preachers in their sermons.
Calm heart including the favor of God. Because the heart is quiet, he can focus on thinking about what benefits him. However, here we do not discuss sobriety, which we will discuss is the reason that reassuring. And in the above verse, Allah states, only dhikrullah reassuring.
What is the meaning dhikrullah?
Dhikrullah sentence consists of two words: words dhikr [Arabic: ذكر] and the word of God [Arabic: الله]. Combined these two words form the word idhafah, which consists of mudhaf and mudhaf ilaih. In our language called phrases, a combination of two words that make up a new word that has a grammatical meaning.
Zikr is mudhaf word and the word of God be mudhaf ilaih.
In meaning, the phrase is divided into two: DM (explained-explained) and MD (explained-explained). Lock the door (phrase DM) and three tails (phrase MD).
We use Indonesian lessons above to understand the meaning of the word dhikrullah approach.
We start from the question, said that the phrase dzikirullah DM or MD?
We consider the conclusion of Ibn Qoyim explanation,
In the arrangement idhafah word "recollection of God", mudhaf ilaih (words: Allah) may be placed as maf'ul (object) and may be placed as fa'il (subject).
If we interpret the word of God as maf'ul (object), the meaning of the word recollection of God is given the name and glory of God.
Ibn Qoyim said,
أحدهما: أنه ذكر العبد ربه, فإنه يطمئن إليه قلبه, ويسكن. فإذا اضطرب القلب وقلق فليس له ما يطمئن به سوى ذكر الله
The first opinion about the meaning dhikrullah is a servant given name of his Lord. Because the heart will calm by remembering his name. When a shaken heart, leading to confusion, no one can make him quiet, apart from the remembrance of Allah.
Then, the second meaning.
If the word of God in the phrase is understood serves as fa'il (subject), then dhikrullah meaning is 'warning of God' or warning sent by Allah.
Ibn Qoyim explained,
والقول الثاني: أن ذكر الله هاهنا القرآن, وهو ذكره الذي أنزله على رسوله به طمأنينة قلوب المؤمنين. فإن القلب لا يطمئن إلا بالإيمان واليقين. ولا سبيل إلى حصول الإيمان واليقين إلا من القرآن
The second opinion, that the meaning dhikrullah here is the Koran. Because the Quran is His warning that He sent down to His Messenger, as a balm for the hearts of the believers. Because the liver is not going to be quiet, but with faith and believe. And there is no way to get faith and believe, except from the Koran.
Ibn Qoyim continued,
فإن سكون القلب وطمأنينته من يقينه, واضطرابه وقلقه من شكه. والقرآن هو المحصل لليقين الدافع للشكوك والظنون والأوهام. فلا تطمئن قلوب المؤمنين إلا به. وهذا القول هو المختار
Because of tranquility and breathtaking thumakninah confident that the results of strength. While shaken and confused sourced from doubts. While the Koran is a sure source, which hinders doubt, and obscurity. Therefore, the heart of a believer will not be quiet except the Koran. And this opinion is stronger.
(at-Tafsir al-Qoyyim, p. 336).
Studying Religion Dzikrullah
I repeat, dhikrullah has two meanings
First, the view of God, remembering his name, his majesty, by reading sentences tayyibah, such as beads, tahmid, Takbir, tahlil, or others. And this is the commonly understood meaning of community. When called dhikrullah word, which comes from the heart is given and the name of God with lafadz-lafadz dhikr.
Second, a warning from God, or in other words, all the teachings of the Shari'a. Both are there in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And this second meaning that rarely recognized community. Though the meaning is considered more robust by Ibn Qoyim. Although more precise, the meaning of the word dhikrullah can cover both.
Given the significance of this often forgotten, we need to emphasize, that the true religion and learning activities, reviewing the Koran and the Sunnah, including dhikrullah activities. In the Qur'an, God calls warning disampaikn the Friday sermon as dhikrullah,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا نودي للصلاة من يوم الجمعة فاسعوا إلى ذكر الله وذروا البيع
O you who believe, if called upon to perform the Friday prayers, then you made haste to leave dhikrullah and purchase (QS. Al-Jumu'ah: 9)
Yet we know, the activities in remembrance activities Jumatan not pilgrims, tahlilan, Shalawatan, or yasinan. But the congregation listen to the warning of a preacher of God's law, so that they become educated public.
You learn religion, reading Islamic books that are useful, review the interpretation, understand the Sunnah and Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, you need to realize that you're doing dhikrullah.
God knows best
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