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Definition of Magic: Magic Menuurt Language, Magic According to Shari'a

Definition of Magic: Magic Menuurt Language, Magic According to Shari'a


By The
Wahid bin Abdissalam Baali

[A]. According magic language.
Al-Layth said, Magic is an act that can draw closer to the devil with his help. Al-Azhari argues, elementary base magic is to turn something of the nature of truth to others [1]. Ibn Manzur said: As if the witches show in the form of truth and falsehood describe something not like the nature of truth. Thus, he has conjured something of the nature of the actual or memalingkannya. [2]

Syamir narrated from Ibn 'A'isha, he said: The Arabs call it magic with words as-Sihr because it eliminates became ill health. [3]

Ibn Faris [4] suggests, Magic means manifest falsehood in the form of truth. [5] In the book of Al Mu'jamul Wasiith mentioned: Magic is something that is done gently and very covert. [6] As mentioned in the book Muhiithul Muhiith, Magic is the act of showing something with the appearance of the most good, so it can deceive people. [7]

[B]. Witchcraft In The term Shari'a.
Fakhruddin Razi argued, According to the terms of Shari'a, magic special only with regard to everything that is not seen and portrayed not as the actual nature, and lasted through deceit. [8]

Ibn Al-Maqdisi Qudamah said, Magic is bonds, incantations, words which expressed orally or in writing, or doing something that affects the body, the heart or mind of people affected by magic without interacting directly with it. This magic has a nature, some of which can be deadly, made sick, make a husband can not interfere with his wife or separated spouses, or make one of the other hate or make both parties love each other. [9]

Ibn al-Qayyim said, Magic is a combination of various influences of evil spirits, as well as the interaction of the various forces of nature to him. [10]

Witchcraft is an agreement between the witches and the devil with the proviso that the sorcerer will perform a variety of prohibition or shirk the devil in exchange for granting aid to him and obedience to do whatever he asks.

[C]. Some Means Necromancer To Approaching Satan.
Among the sorcerer no gluing Mushhaf in both legs, then he entered the lavatory. There are writing verses of the Koran with filth. There is also a write verses of the Koran by using haidl blood. Also there who wrote verses of the Koran at his feet. There is also a write Surat al-Fatihah reversed. Also there who do pray without wudoo '. There were still in a state of perpetual state of impurity. And there are slaughtering animals for sacrifice to the devil with the not mention the name of Allah at the time of slaughter, slaughter and dispose of it to a designated place of Satan. [11] And there is also a talk with the animals and prostrate to him. And there is also a write-wording spells with wording containing various meanings of disbelief.

From here, it seems clear to us that the genie is not going to help and not also serve a witch unless the reward. Whenever a witch increase kufr, then the devil will be obedient to him and quicker to implement his orders. And if Tukan magic does not earnestly implement the various things that are commanded incubus kufr, then the devil will refuse to serve him and against his orders. Thus, witches and devils is a loyal friend who met in order to act kemaksitan to God.

If you look at the face of a witch, then clearly you will see the truth of what I have said, where you will get the darkness of disbelief that meets his face, as if he is a dense black cloud.

If you recognize the witches of close, then you will get to live in misery life with his wife and children, even with her sendri though. She could not sleep well and continue to feel uneasy, even he would always feel anxious in bed. In addition, often the devil-devil it would hurt his children or his wife and cause divisions and disputes among them. Almighty Allah Almighty, who said:

"Meaning: And whoever turns away from my warning, then indeed narrow for her livelihood". [Thaahaa: 124]

[Copied from the Book of Ash-Shaarimul Battaar Fit Tashaddi Lis Saharatil Asyraar Indonesian edition of Magic & Forward And Procedures To Treat According to the Qur'an and Sunnah, writer Wahid bin Abdissalam Baali, Publication Library Imam Ash-Shafi'i]
Foote Note
[1] Tahziibul Lughah (IV / 290)
[2] Lisaanul Arabic (IV / 290).
[3] Ibid
[4] He said in Maaqayisul Lughah (507), some people say: Magic is issued in the form of truth falsehood, and said, magic is a hoax. They postulated by someone's words: In fact if you asked where we were, so we were like birds of a human group enchanted. As if that question is the one who cheated.
[5] Al-Mishbaahul Muniir (267), publisher of al-Maktabah al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut.
[6] Al-Mujamul Wasiith (I / 419), Darul Fikr.
[7] Muhiithul Muhiith (399), Beirut
[8] Al-Mishbaahul Muniir (268), Beirut
[9] Al-Mughni, (X / 104).
[10] Zaadul Ma'aad, (IV / 126)
[11] Re-read the book: Wiqaayatul Insaan, (p. 45).
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