Perjuangan adalah bagian dari taqdir



by The
Ustadz Abu Nida`Chomsaha Sofwan

Jin including unseen matter that we must believe in its existence, since the arguments of the Qur'an and Sunnah have explained. It is among the principles of Islamic faith, which believes in supernatural cases. That faith in the unseen is one fo those who fear Allah, as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:

الم {1} ذلك الكتاب لا ريب فيه هدى للمتقين {2} الذين يؤمنون بالغيب ويقيمون الصلاة ومما رزقناهم ينفقون {3}

"Alif Lam Mim. Book (Qur'an) there is no doubt in it; instructions for those who fear Allah, (ie) those who believe in the unseen, who establish worship, and spend most of the sustenance which We have bestowed upon them" . [Al-Baqarah: 1-3].

Case unseen, as stated by Ibn Mas'ud, is the whole matter of the unseen has been reported Allah and His Messenger told us. Similarly, the existence of jinns, that Allah and His Messenger has told us through the Qur'an or hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

1). Of the Koran, including:

وإذ صرفنآ إليك نفرا من الجن يستمعون القرءان

"And (remember) when We confronted a group of Jinn you are listening to the Koran". [Al Ahqaf: 29].

يامعشر الجن والإنس ألم يأتكم رسل منكم يقصون عليكم ءاياتي وينذرونكم لقآء يومكم هذا

"Hi class of jinn and man, does not come to you apostles from your own group, which convey unto verse-ayatKu and alert you to your meeting with today". [Al-An'am: 130]

قل أوحى إلى أنه استمع نفر من الجن فقالوا إنا سمعنا قرءانا عجبا

"Say (O Muhammad):" It has been revealed to me that a set of jinn has listened to (the Koran), then they said, 'We have listened to the Qur'an amazing' "[Al Jin: 1].

وأنه كان رجال من الإنس يعوذون برجال من الجن فزادوهم رهقا

"True, there were men among mankind appealed to the few men among the jinn, the jinn were increased them in sin and error". [Al Jin: 6]

2). From the Sunnah, among them:
Imam Muslim narrated in his Saheeh from Ibn Mas'ud radi 'anhu, he said: "One evening, we've shared the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, then we lose him. So we searched for Her in the valleys and on mountain roads (but did not find he), so we said, 'He was taken to fly genie, or he has been killed in secret'. Then we passed the night as bad as the bad night experienced a people. When morning came, suddenly he emerged from the cave of Hira '. So we said, 'O, Messenger of Allah! (Overnight) we lose you, then we looking for you, but do not find you, then we passed that night as bad as the bad night experienced a people '. He said, 'A messenger genie came, so I went with it (go to the jinn), and then I read the Qur'an to them'. "Ibn Mas'ud said," Then he took us and showed us their former (jin) and former fire them. "
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "None of the class of Muslims who will argue the issue of the existence of the jinn, and not also the problem that God sent Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to them. The majority of the infidels has also acknowledged their existence. The scribes of the Jews and the Christians, they establish the existence of the jinn as the Muslims to define, although among them there were deny, as among the Muslims (also) there who would deny it ... like jahmies and Mu'tazilah. But a large part of their class and assign priests. That is, because of the existence of jinn has mutawatir mentioned in the stories of the prophets with the nature of the mutawatir dharuri understandable manner. And has been understood by dharuri, that they (the genie) and intelligent life, committing their will, and even they (also) be governed and banned. They are not traits or symptoms that afflict human or otherwise, as stated by the mulhid (atheist). Because this issue has mutawir genie news of the prophets with mutawatir properties that have been known to laymen as well as typical, it is unlikely that any group who attribute themselves to the apostles noble to deny the existence of the jinn ". [Majmu 'Fataawa, XIX: 13].

Natural genie is its own nature, which is not a natural human nor angelic realm. Of the physical form, the human eye is not able to see it. That's why they called jin, due to the closure (ijtinan) physical than the human eye. In the Qur'an, Allah says, which means: ...... He and his tribe see you from where you can not see them ....... [Al A'raf: 27].

Despite the different nature of man and jinn, but the jinn and humans are point equation, which has the properties of understanding and thinking, have the same ability to choose the path of good and bad roads. Although there is a similar nature, but in many cases, the jinn also have differences with humans. And the most important is the issue of the origin of creation.

Allah Almighty to preach, jinn were created from fire, which means: And We have created the jinn before (Adam) from a very hot fire. [Al-Hijr: 27]

وخلق الجآن من مارج من نار

"He created the jinn of flame". [Ar Rahman: 15]

Ibn Kathir said, that Ibn Abbas, Ikrimah, Mujahid, Al-Hasan Al-Basri and others as well as to interpret the phrase "marij min min nar" in the above verse as "the tip of the flame". In another narration "of the core parts of the fire".

In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from 'Aisha radi' anha, she said: the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

خلقت الملائكة من نور, وخلق الجان من مارج من نار, وخلق آدم مما وصف لكم

"Angels were created from light, Jan (ancestors of the jinn) were created from smokeless fire, and Adam (human ancestors) was created from what has been mentioned (in the Qur'an) to you".

God has given the jinn abilities are not given to man. Most of the capabilities of which is:

a). Being able to move and move very quickly.
'Ifrit of class genie promised to Solomon Alaihissallam to bring the throne of the Queen of Saba in Yemen to Baitul Maqdis just in time someone stood up from his seat; before the eyes blink. In the Qur'an Allah says, which means: Say 'Ifrit (ingenious) from the class of jinn: "I will come to you to bring it to you before you stand up from your seat. Actually I really strong take him longer reliable "said, a man who has knowledge of the Book:" I will bring it to you before your eyes blink ". Then when he saw the throne beside him, he said: "It is the grace of my Lord ......". [An Naml: 39-40].

b). Preceding man in reaching space.
It has long jin able to ascend to the heavens places in the world, and there they were eavesdropping on news the sky to see events before they occur. When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sent, then the sky is tightened custody. Allah says, which means: And indeed we (the genie) has been trying to figure out (secret) the sky, then we find it filled with strong safeguards and flaming fire, and in fact we were able to occupy some space in the sky to listen (the news). But now he who (try to) listen (like it), will find a flaming fire watching him (to burn). [Al Jin: 8-9].

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has explained how they overhear sky news.

From Abu Hurayrah, he said: Indeed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If God establishes order in the sky, the angels flapping their wings as obedient to His word, as if the word (which is heard) it like rattling iron chains (drawn) on a rock, so splitting them. When their hearts have gone out of fear, they ask, 'What just spoken by the Lord?' They replied, '(words) are correct, and He is the Most High, Most Great'. When that is, (genies) news thief (revelation) was heard. Their situation like this. Most of them rely upon others -Sufyan bin Uyainah (one of the narrators of this hadith) describes it with the palm of his hand, he merenggangkannya and open fingers jemarinya-. So when (genies) thief news (above) to hear the sentence (word), they then submit it to the subordinate, and so on until delivered to the mouth of a witch or soothsayer. However, sometimes the thieves news hit Shihab (arrows fire) before he could deliver the news that disadapnya it. And sometimes they have had time to pass it before the hit Shihab. Then with one sentence he heard that, witches or fortune-teller did a hundred kinds of lies. They (who went to a witch or soothsayer said), 'Is not he have told us, that on such and such a day and such events will occur (and it really happened)?' So dipercayalah witch or soothsayer is because one sentence have heard from the sky ".

c). Jin knowledge about technology.
Allah informs that He has subjected the jinn to Solomon Alaihissallam. The jinn much do the work for him who demands the ability, knowledge and skills or expertise. Allah says, which means: And most of the jinns worked in front of him (under his authority) with the permission of his Lord. And who deviate them from Our command, We made him taste the punishment of hell fire is blazing. The genie was made to Solomon what he wanted from tall buildings and statues, and platters (magnitude) as a pool and a fixed pot (located on top of the stove). [Saba`: 12-13].

Ibn Taymiyyah said, there is a sheikh, who once had a relationship with the genie has been delivered to him, that the jinn had showed him a luminous objects such as water and light. They appeared to him in it news that he wanted, and he submit it to the people. They (jinn) also conveyed to him the words of his friends asking for help to him, and he answered, and the answer is that the genie was conveyed to his friend. [Majmu 'Fataawa XI: 309].

d). The ability to switch form or shape.
Jin has the ability to switch form or shape, to the human and animal forms. They never went to the Pagans in the form Suraqah bin Malik to promise victory for them. Similarly, a number of friends, among them Abu Hurayrah, had visited them in the form of parents who want to steal charity which is being guarded. They can be transformed into a camel, donkey, cow, dog or cat. Often they are turned into a black dog and a cat. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said that the passage of a black dog in front of a praying person decides that the prayer. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam explained why:

الكلب الأسود شيطان

"Because it is a vicious black dog".

Jin often turn into animals, then appeared to man. Because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade killing snakes appeared in the house, because it is feared that the jinn who had converted to Islam. In Saheeh Muslim narrated from Abu Sa 'id al Khudri, he said, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

إن بالمدينة جنا قد أسلموا فإذا رأيتم منهم شيئا فآذنوه ثلاثة أيام فإن بدا لكم بعد ذلك فاقتلوه فإنما هو شيطان

"Verily in this there is a party Medina genie who had converted to Islam. If you see one of them, then ask them to come out (within) three days. If he still appeared to you after it, then kill it, because the real he was a demon ".

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to exclude certain snakes. From Abu Lubabah radi 'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

لا تقتلوا الجنان إلا كل أبتر ذي طفيتين فإنه يسقط الولد ويذهب البصر فاقتلوه

"Do not (directly) to kill snakes (in the house), but every snake that truncated (short) tail and have two lines on his back, because this type of snake can abort and blinding. Then kill it".

e). Satan flows in the body of the Children of Adam as blood flows in the veins.
Narrated in Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, from Anas, he said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

إن الشيطان يجري من الإنسان مجرى الدم

"Satan flow in the human body as the flow of blood".

As with humans, jinn also have strengths and weaknesses. Some of the weaknesses mentioned genie Allah and His Messenger are:

a). Jin does not have the ability to subdue the servants of God are righteous.
Allaah does not provide the ability to master the devil to humans and force them to heresy and infidelity. Allaah says, which means: Verily My servants, you (demons) can not rule over them. And your Lord is sufficient as a guard. [Al Isra`: 65].

وماكان له عليهم من سلطان إلا لنعلم من يؤمن بالأخرة ممن هو منها في شك ...

"And there is the power of the devil against them, but just so that we can distinguish who believe in the existence of the afterlife of whom are hesitant about it". [Saba`: 21].

That is, the devil does not have a way to control people, both in terms of proof and in terms of ability. This fact has been recognized by the devil.

قال رب بمآ أغويتني لأزينن لهم في الأرض ولأغوينهم أجمعين إلا عبادك منهم المخلصين

"He said:" Yes, my Lord, so you have misled me, I will make them (human) looked good (immoral acts) in the earth, and certainly I will mislead them all, except the servants you are sincere in between them ". [Al-Hijr: 39-40].

As they are able to master just servants who are willing to thinking demons, followed by full compliance and obedience. Allaah says, which means: Verily My servants no authority to you (demons) against them, except those who follow you, that those who go astray. [Al-Hijr: 42].

ألم تر أنآ أرسلنا الشياطين على الكافرين تؤزهم أزا

"Do you not see that We have sent the devils to the infidels to incite them make immoral in earnest". [Maryam: 83].

b). Satan scared and run away from most of the servant of God.
If Islam has stuck firmly on the slave, the faith was upright in his heart, and he always maintain restrictions outlined God, the devil will get away and run away from him. As the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said to' Umar bin Al-Khattab: "Verily demons fear thee, O Umar". [HR At Tirmidhi, no. 2913].

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also been said about Umar: "I have really noticed that the demon of the jinn and mankind is totally run out of Umar". [HR At Tirmidhi, no. 2914].

c). Jin subdued to the Prophet Solomon Alaihissallam.
God has subjected the majority faction jinn and devils to Solomon Alaihissallam. Allaah says, which means: Then we have subjected him with good winds, according to anywhere he wants, and (We subjected to him anyway) demons every builder and diver, and another demon bound in shackles. [Shad: 36-38].

All of it as a form of granting the prayer of Solomon:

قال رب اغفر لي وهب لي ملكا لاينبغي لأحد من بعدي ...

"He said:" Yes Rabbku, forgive me and anugerahkanlah me the kingdom that is not owned by any one nevertheless after me ". [Shad: 35].

d). Jin was not able to create miracles.
Jin was not able to do something equivalent to a miracle brought about by the apostles to show the truth of the minutes that they carry. When most people disbelieve considered that the Qur'an is made by the devil, then Allah says, which means: And the Koran was not brought down by demons. And it is not worth them bring down the Koran, and they will not be able to. Indeed, they actually kept away from hearing the Koran it. [Ash Shu'ara ': 210-212].

e). Jin could not resemble the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in someone's dream.
In the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Abu Hurayrah from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said:

من رآني فيي الممنام فقد رآني, فإن الشيطان لا يتمثل بي

"Whoever sees me in a dream, then indeed he has seen (not vicious menyerupaiku), because the devil was not able to actually resemble me".

Zahir of this hadith and other hadiths that convey the same show, that the devil was not able to mimic the shape and form of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. But it does not mean he was not able to replicate the form and likeness of man other than he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then claiming to be Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Therefore, someone who dreams of seeing the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam must not be sure that he really had dreamed he sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam postulated by these hadiths, unless the person he saw in a dream that has characteristics together with the characteristics of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam mentioned in the books of hadith.

f). Jin was not able to penetrate certain limitations in space.
Allaah says, which means: O worshipers jinn and mankind, if you are able to penetrate (crossing) regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You can not penetrate except by force. Which of the favors of your Lord which of you deny? To you, (jinn and men) released flames and liquid copper, then you can not save themselves (from it). [Ar Rahman: 34-35].

g). Jin was not able to open doors that were closed by reading Bismillah.
Imam Al-Bukhari narrated in his Saheeh, from Jabir bin Abdullah radi 'anhu, he said, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:

إذا كان جنح الليل أو أمسيتم فكفوا صبيانكم فإن الشياطين تنتشر حينئذ فإذا ذهبت ساعة من الليل فخلوهم وأغلقوا الأبواب واذكروا اسم الله فإن الشيطان لا يفتح بابا مغلقا

"When darkness was creeping come or evening has come, then withhold your small children, because the demons began to spread at the time. And if it has passed the time of night, then deliver them. And close the doors by calling the name of God, because the devil was not able to open the door closed ".

Similarly, a brief description of the jinn, whose existence should we believe in supernatural beings created by God Almighty. As a creature, then any acts committed by the genie, surely the knowledge and permission of Allah Almighty.

Maraji ':
'Alam Al Jin Wa Ash Syayathin, by Shaikh Al Asyqar.

[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah // 04 Year IX / 1426H / 2005M. Publisher Foundation Standing Committee Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 0271-761016]

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