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Being Studious in Learning Religion, but Lazy in Working

Being Studious in Learning Religion, but Lazy in Working

Being Studious in Learning Religion, but Lazy in Working

Being Studious in Learning Religion, but Lazy in Working

It was narrated from Ibn Mas’ud and Umar, they said,

أرى الشاب فيعجبني فأسأل عن عمله فيقولون لا يعمل فيسقط من عيني
“I saw a young man who amazed me with his piety, and then I asked him about his job, in fact he didn’t do any job, thus his dignity was falling in my eyes.”
والنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: {إن أطيب كسب الرجل من يده}
The Prophet said, “The best of someone’s income is the one that comes from his own work.” (Narrated by Ibn Maja no. 2138, classed valid by Al Albani).
One day, the Prophet saw a man whose hands were coarse because of his diligent work, and he said,
هذه يد يحبها الله ورسوله
“This is the hand that is loved by Allah and His messenger.” (mentioned by as Sarkhasi al Hanafi in his book, “al Mabsuth” in chapter “Book of al Kasb” without narration, -transl.)
وقال أيضاً: {إذا قامت القيامة وفي يد أحدكم فسيلة فليغرسها}
The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- also said, “If the Hour almost set while one of you are holding seeds of plant, he should still plant it.” (Narrated by Ahmad no. 13240)
وقال أيضاً: {كفى بالمرء إثماً أن يضيع من يعول}،
The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “One is already considered sinful if he neglects the family that he is obliged to support.” (Narrated by Hakim in “Al Mustadrak”, no. 8526)
One who refuses to work by using the religion as his reason, saying that he is busy learning the religious lessons at the mosque, as well as worshipping, thus he doesn’t earn the living for his family, is a sinner. Such people forgets that working with an intention to fulfill his own needs, his wife’s, and children’s needs thus they don’t have to beg to others is a kind of worship too.
There is a hadith in the Shahih of Al Bukhari and Muslim that says,
{الساعي على الأرملة والمسكين كالمجاهد في سبيل الله } .
“One who helps to fulfill the needs of the widows and the poor is like someone who fight in Allah’s Cause.”
It is narrated by Al Baihaqi in his work. “Syuabul Iman”, from Umar, he said,
يا معشر القراء (أي العباد) ارفعوا رؤوسكم، ما أوضح الطريق، فاستبقوا الخيرات، ولا تكونوا كلاً على المسلمين
“O people who are fond of worshipping, straighten your heads. The road is evidently seen, thus you should compete in goodness. And don’t be a burden to the muslims.”
Hence, a muslim shouldn’t be a burden to other muslim.
وقال محمد بن ثور: كان سفيان الثوري يمر بنا ونحن جلوس في المسجد الحرام فيقول: ما يجلسكم ، فنقول : ماذا نصنع؟ فكان يقول: اطلبوا من فضل الله ولا تكونوا عيالاً على المسلمين،
Muhammad Ibn Tsaur said, “One day, Sufyan Tsauri went passing us while we were sitting at the Masjid al Haram. He asked us, “Why are you just sitting here?’ , we replied ‘Then what should we do?’. He said, ‘Seek for Allah’s graces (i.e, work!). Don’t be a burden for the muslims.”
وكان سفيان رحمه الله يعتني بماله, جاءه يوماً طالب علم يسأله عن مسألة وهو يبيع ويشتري، وألح في المسألة ، فقال له سفيان: يا هذا اسكت فإن قلبي عند دراهمي،
Sufyan Thauri was a man that really cared for his wealth. One day, there was a student who asked him about a problem while he was busy selling his goods. But the student insisted to ask, and Sufyan finally said, “Shut up, don’t ask continuously, because I’m concentrating in my money.”
وكان له ضيعة وكان يقول: لو هذه الضيعة لتمندل لي الملوك .
Sufyan Thauri also had a farm. He said about his farm, “If it’s not for this farm, I would have clung to the aids of the kings.”
وكان أيوب السختياني يقول: الزم سوقك فإنك لا تزال كريماً مالم تحتج إلى أحد.
Ayub as Sikhtiyani also said, “Be diligent in going to the market (i.e, working, -ed) because you always be noble as long as you don’t need the help from others.”
Poverty is Not Something Suggested in Our Religion
There was a narration from ‘Ali that he said,
لو كان الفقر رجلاً لقتلته
“If the poverty is a man, I will surely kill him.”
The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- often prayed,
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الكفر والفقر
“O Allah, I seek refuge to You from the paganism and poverty.” (Narrated by Abu Daud, hadith no. 5090, etc, and the narration was classed good by Al Albani).
Therefore, it is compulsory for every muslim to be diligent and hardworking, thus his family will not be neglected. One who doesn’t want to work is not a self-relying man to Allah, but a beggar of food from others. This is the quality of the idler. Men are created in this world to work diligently and laboriously. The prophets were hardworking men. Likewise, Abu Bakr was a merchant.
One who is lazy might misunderstood the religion, or simply a lazy man. What we could say to such person is to straighten his intention, work with a lawful work, be righteous in your work, and you’ll be in obedience to Allah. Keep on being diligent in performing the prayers in congregation and following various scientific lessons, but don’t neglect your family needs.
Whoever likes to beg, Allah will open for him the door of poverty. And whoever works diligently is the rich one, because riches is not acquired by the amount of wealth, but by self contentment. Once again, don’t you ever beg!
May all of us get His guidance to do the things He loves and pleases of. (Fatwa of Sheikh Mashur Hasan al Salman, question no. 94)
Author: Ustadz Aris Munandar, M.PI
Tag : syaria
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