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Strumming Lessons From the Battle of Badr


إن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا وسيئات أعمالنا من يهده الله فلا مضل له
ومن يضلل فلا هادي له أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين.
ياأيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون
ياأيها الناس اتقوا ربكم الذي خلقكم من نفس واحدة وخلق منها زوجها وبث منهما رجالا كثيرا ونساء واتقوا الله الذي تساءلون بهوالأرحام إن الله كان عليكم رقيبا
ياأيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وقولوا قولا سديدا يصلح لكم أعمالكم ويغفرلكم ذنوبكم ومن يطع الله ورسوله فقد فاز فوزا عظيما, أما بعد
أما بعد عباد الله: اتقوا الله تعالى وراقبوه سبحانه مراقبة من يعلم أن ربه يسمعه ويراه

Amma ba'du:

Muslims all, God has required the servants to know Him, to know their religion, and know His Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And with the intermediary of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then it transpired Allah and His religion. And the happiness of the world and the hereafter is strongly associated with the instructions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Ibn Qoyyim rahimahullah said:

فيجب على كل من نصح نفسه وأحب نجاتها وسعادتها أن يعرف من هديه وسيرته وشأنه ما يخرج به عن الجاهلين به, ويدخل به في عداد أتباعه وشيعته وحزبه, والناس في هذا بين مستقل ومستكثر ومحروم

"A must for anyone who wants a favor for himself as well as the safety and happiness of his desire to know the direction of the Prophet, sirohnya (journey of his life), and the situation is, that with the knowledge he came out of the class of people who are stupid / do not know the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, so he included from the ranks of his followers, his party, and the salvation. Man in this case there are three kinds, there are many who take part, there are taking part a little, and there are unobstructed "(Zaadul Ma'aad 1/69)

On Friday in the month of Ramadan, in the second year of Hijrah events that changed the course of history, events that are determinant in the spread of Islam. The magnifying Quraishi has come to destroy the Muslims exhausted, and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam came out to meet them, and came down a thousand angels of the third heaven fought in the incident, Gabriel' peace be upon him also fought. Who participated in the war then forgiven by God sins past and future, and forbidden for him to go to hell, and it includes the inhabitants of heaven, and in the world it includes the best of the Muslims, as well as the angels were present glorified from other than the present. In the event there are a lot of lessons and ibroh, and the signs of God and miracles.

Quraishi fight the religion of Allah and His prophet of Mecca repel, they hurt his companions, then the musliminpun occupy the city of Medina. News reached the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam that the caravan of Quraysh came from Ash-Syaam headed by Abu Sufyan, bring many possessions Quraish, then The Prophet motivate his friends to turn out to welcome the caravan, so that the polytheists of Quraysh know that the Prophet and companions are not the weak. The Prophet came out with three hundred and umpteen dozen friends, not an end to war, but to seize the treasure caravan. When Abu Sufyan know about this so she began screaming for help to the Quraish to immediately go to Abu Sufyan and Abu Sufyanpun coastal path and survived, and he preached the Quraysh for his safety, but Quraish still go out with their princes, nothing is left of their leaders except Abu Lahab, they also motivate Arab tribes around them to come out with them, they come out with a full vanity as the word of God

بطرا ورئاء الناس

"With a sense of pride and with the intention of riya 'to men" (Surat al-Anfal: 47)

And the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is the best of all the companions of the Prophet, they know the arrival takala Quraysh to fight the Prophet of Allaah alaihi wasallam then Al-Miqdad bin Al-Aswad something from' anhu stood up and said:

لا نقول كما قال قوم موسى {اذهب أنت وربك فقاتلا} ولكنا نقاتل عن يمينك وعن شمالك وبين يديك وخلفك,

"We do not say, as the words of Moses," Go thou thy Lord and fight together ", but we will fight with you on your right direction, towards your left, in front of you, behind you"

Ibn Mas'ud said:

فرأيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أشرق وجهه وسره يعني قوله

"I also saw the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasalah his face beaming and happy with the words of Al-Miqdad" (Reported by al-Bukhari no 3952)

The Anshor say

والذي بعثك بالحق لو ضربت أكبادها إلى برك الغماد لاتبعناك

"By Yang has sent you with the truth, if you walk menujua Barkil Gimad (at the end of Yemen) then we will follow you" (Ahmad)

Sa'ad ibn 'Ubadah said:

لو أمرتنا أن نخيضها البحار لأخضناها

'If you ordered us to get together with our mounts in the ocean then we will do "(Ahmad)

When Quraysh had approached the town of Badr with their weapons and their number three times the number of the Muslims, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam fill Robnya night to pray to for help, and he prayed earnestly to scarf he fell from his shoulders and Abu Bakr something from 'anhu improve the position of his shawl and said:

"يا رسول الله, بعض مناشدتك ربك, فإنه سينجز لك ما وعدك" "O Messenger of Allah, it is enough to Robmu most petitions, surely He will accomplish what He promised you"

Ali something from 'anhu said:

ولقد رأيتنا وما فينا إلا نائم إلا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم تحت شجرة يصلي ويبكي حتى أصبح

"Behold, I see that we are quasi asleep except the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he was under a tree to pray and cry until dawn" (Ahmad)

Allahpun then hears the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and help the believers with a thousand angels who came third consecutive, each angel an angel behind the other, and the Prophet closed his eyes for a moment and then his huge head and said:

أبشر يا أبا بكر هذا جبريل على ثناياه النقع

"Cheer up, O Abu Bakr, there is Gabriel in his teeth dust (from the battlefield)"

And the Prophet gave glad tidings of victory to his companions, and preach to them the locations of deaths of the leaders of Quraysh. When the morning arrived with his army of Quraysh came and gathered together the two forces at Badr without any previous war time deal because the lessons God wants. Allah says

ولو تواعدتم لاختلفتم في الميعاد ولكن ليقضي الله أمرا كان مفعولا

"If only you Hold consent (to determine the battle), you certainly do not agree in determining the fighting, but (God brings the two forces) that he did an affair that must be implemented." (QS. Al-Anfal: 42) .

Allahpun give drowsiness to the believers to calm them down and give them a sense of security for

إذ يغشيكم النعاس أمنة منه

(remember) when Allah made you sleepy as an appeasement rather than his (QS. Al-Anfal: 11).

And God made the amount of force the Muslims seem a little in the eyes of the Pagans that they do not run away, and also make the amount of the Pagans seem a little in the eyes of the believers so that they go ahead to fight

وإذ يريكموهم إذ التقيتم في أعينكم قليلا ويقللكم في أعينهم ليقضي الله أمرا كان مفعولا

"And when God Appears them for you all, when you meet with them were a little on your eyes and your vision revealed his vision amounted to little in their eyes, because God wants to do some business that must be implemented." (QS. Al-Anfal: 44).

Ibn Mas'ud something from 'anhu said, "To the extent that I said to the person next to me,' Do you see the amount of Quraish 70 people? 'He replied," I saw their number 100'. "Though their numbers around 1000 people .

God include fear in the hearts of the unbelievers

سألقي في قلوب الذين كفروا الرعب

"Will I input fear into the hearts of the unbelievers." (QS. Al-Anfal: 12).

And the angels strengthen the believers

إذ يوحي ربك إلى الملائكة أني معكم فثبتوا الذين آمنوا سألقي في قلوب الذين كفروا الرعب فاضربوا فوق الأعناق واضربوا منهم كل بنان (12)

"(Remember) when your Lord revealed to the Angels:" I am with you, then be confirmed (establishment) those who believe ". (Surat al-Anfal: 12)

Prophet rekindle the spirit of the believers to fight, and Meet the two forces, as well as fire fighting is lit, then the victory of the Muslims began to rain that cleanses both the Muslims and their inner dzohir, cemented their feet, cheering their hearts, and eliminate distractions incubus. Allah says:

وينزل عليكم من السماء ماء ليطهركم به ويذهب عنكم رجز الشيطان وليربط على قلوبكم ويثبت به الأقدام

"And God sent down to rain from the sky to cleanse you with the rain and eliminate distractions from your devils and to strengthen your hearts and strengthen her feet (mu)" (QS. Al-Anfal: 11)

And the devil comes with idolaters and said:

لا غالب لكم اليوم من الناس وإني جار لكم

"No man can prevail against you on this day, and I Truly this is the guardian" (QS. Al-Anfal: 47)

And when the devil saw the angel so she began to flee and abandon idolaters and he said

إني أرى ما لا ترون إني أخاف الله

"Indeed, I can see what you all can not see; Indeed, I fear Allah "(QS. Al-Anfal: 47)

Prophet fought with intense fighting, Ali said:

لقد رأيتنا يوم بدر ونحن نلوذ برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو أقربنا إلى العدو وكان من أشد الناس يومئذ بأسا

"Behold, I see the battle of Badr when we take refuge in the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his closest to the enemy, and he is the most devastating wars of the day" (HR. Ahmad)

Gabriel 'alaihis salam down participate in the battle, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said;

هذا جبريل آخذ برأس فرسه عليه أداة الحرب

"It was Gabriel was holding his horse's head, and he brought war equipment" (HR. Al-Bukhari, no. 3995)

And a thousand angels fought with Gabriel, they fell from the third heaven, and God to preach the believers of the angels participated in the war as a good news for them and to calm their hearts. Allah says:

وما جعله الله إلا بشرى ولتطمئن به قلوبكم وما النصر إلا من عند الله إن الله عزيز حكيم (10)

And God does not make it (send reinforcements it), but as a good news and that the heart at rest. and victory is only from Allah. Indeed, Allah is Mighty, Wise. (QS. Al-Anfal: 10)

Ibn Abbas something from 'anhumaa said;

بينما رجل من المسلمين يومئذ يشتد في إثر رجل من المشركين أمامه, إذ سمع ضربة بالسوط فوقه, وصوت الفارس يقول: أقدم حيزوم. إذ نظر إلى المشرك أمامه خر مستلقيا, فنظر إليه فإذا هو قد خطم أنفه وشق وجهه كضربة السوط, فاخضر ذلك أجمع, فجاء الأنصاري, فحدث رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - فقال: (صدقت, ذلك من مدد السماء الثالثة) فقتلوا يومئذ سبعين وأسروا سبعين

"When someone of the Muslims on the day (of the battle of Badr) are really quick to follow someone from the idolaters in front of him, suddenly he heard the sound of whiplash in the top of the Pagans and the sound of horsemen who said:" Turn Haizuum (Haizum angel horse name the) ", and then he looked into the polytheists had fell down before him on his shoulders, and he saw him turn out the polytheists had injured his nose and his face torn scar be like a whip, then the green face (black) entirely. So he (Anshori) comes and informs the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the Prophet said: "You're right, it was a relief force from the third heaven". So the Muslims on the day of killing 70 people and charming 70 "(Reported by Muslim, no 1763)

Sahl something from 'anhu said:

لقد رأيتنا يوم بدر, وإن أحدنا يشير بسيفه إلى رأس المشرك فيقع رأسه عن جسده قبل أن يصل إليه

"When Badr I saw one of our aims his sword to the head of an idolatrous then severing the head of his idolatrous before his sword about him" (Reported by al-Haakim No. 5736)

Allah says

فلم تقتلوهم ولكن الله قتلهم وما رميت إذ رميت ولكن الله رمى

Then the (actual) is not you who killed them, but it is God who killed them, and not you who threw when you threw, but Allah Who throws. (QS. Al-Anfal: 17).

In this battle killed 70 people from the Pagans, including the authorities of Quraish who impede the spread of monotheism in the earth, and killed them anyway apart from those who do not have the goodness at all.

And taqdir God proceeded to the Pagans are left, then many of those who later converted to Islam, which is the most advanced among them is Abu Sufyan and 'Amr ibn al-`As something from' anhumaa. And 14 companions were martyred and achieve the highest heaven. Umm Haaritsah bin Suroqoh came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and said:

يا نبي الله ألا تحدثني عن حارثة?

"O Nabiyyullah you not to tell me about Haritha?"

Then the Prophet said:

يا أم حارثة إنها جنان في الجنة وإن ابنك أصاب الفردوس الأعلى

"O Umm Harithah, in fact it is the gardens of paradise, and indeed your son (Haritsah) are in the highest heaven paradise" (HR. Al-Bukhari no 2809)

Ibn Kathir rahimahullah said,

وفي هذا تنبيه عظيم على فضل أهل بدر فإن حارثة لم يكن في بحيحة القتال ولا في حومة الوغى بل كان من النظارة من بعيد وإنما أصابه سهم غرب وهو يشرب من الحوض ومع هذا أصاب بهذا الموقف الفردوس ... فما ظنك بمن كان واقفا في نحر العدو

"And here there is a big warning about the virtues of the participants of the battle of Badr, because actually Haritsah not entered in the midst of battle, nor on the battlefield, but he includes supervisors who supervise from a distance, and he was hit by an arrow that comes on suddenly , while he was drinking from the water, though he gained heaven paradise ..., then how else do you think the person standing in front of the enemy's neck? "(Al-Bidaayah wa An-Nihaayah 3/398)

And then the Muslims ..., true religion of Allah on the truth, and God will help His religion, and falsehood although adorned the truth would destroy it. Then shall the servant to cling to their religion by running the command and away from the ban.

ولقد نصركم الله ببدر وأنتم أذلة فاتقوا الله لعلكم تشكرون

"Indeed God has helped you in the battle of Badr, when ye are (when it is) those who are weak, therefore fear Allah, that ye may be grateful for Him" (Surah Ali 'Imron: 123)

أقول هذا القول وأستغفر الله لي ولكم ولسائر المسلمين من كل ذنب فاستغفروه يغفر لكم إنه هو الغفور الرحيم.

Second Sermon:

الحمد لله عظيم الإحسان واسع الفضل والجود والامتنان, وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله; صلى الله وسلم عليه وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين وسلم تسليما كثيرا. أما بعد عباد الله: اتقوا الله تعالى.

Praise be to God for the gift of His goodness, and gratitude to Him terpanjatkan on taufiq and grace, and I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone no reputable Him as a form of glorification to Him, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger, may peace and blessings many tercurahkan to him, his family, and his companions.

Muslims all ...

Islam has come to us after passing events great and terrible events, the lives fall for the sake of Islam, and many were injured. To elevate Islam and Islamic maintained and that until then had fought to defend us apostles, siddiqun, the syuhadaa ', and the angels. And with the passage of time for the sake of Islam maintained perfectly well in its laws and also syari'atnya, Islam remains viable for the whole place and time, it is mandatory for every servant to follow Islam and rejoice with running obedience to Allah and avoid His prohibitions.

Then know that Allah has commanded you to bersholawat and greet to His Prophet, Allah says

إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم, إنك حميد مجيد. وبارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كماباركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم, إنك حميد مجيد.
ربنا اغفر لنا ولإخواننا الذين سبقونا بالإيمان ولا تجعل في قلوبنا غلا للذين آمنوا ربنا إنك رؤوف رحيم
اللهم افتح بيننا وبين قومنا بالحق وأنت خير الفاتحين
اللهم إنا نسألك علما نافعا ورزقا طيبا وعملا متقبلا
ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الآخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار
وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه و من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين.
وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين

Translated from the Friday sermon Shaykh Husayn ibn Abd al-Aziz Alu Ash-Shaykh hafizohulloh (Imam Masjid Nabawi and City Court Judge in Medina)
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