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Legal Attending Christmas Invitation

Legal Attending Christmas Invitation

If any of the Nashrani which invites Muslims in the event of Christmas invitation either in the office or in the neighborhood, whether fixed attended? The more so officials often get an invitation like that.

Ibn al-Qayyim said that God has called non-Muslim celebration with the term "az zuur". This is what is meant from the verse,

والذين لا يشهدون الزور

"And those who do not attend az zuur" (QS. Al-Furqan: 72). Adh Dhahak state that is meant is the celebration of the idolaters. (Ahkam Expert adh dhimma, p. 492)

Ibn al-Qayyim back explains, "As they should not reveal their feast day in the middle of the Muslims, the Muslims were not allowed to participate, assist and present them in the celebration. This has been agreed upon by the experts of science (the scholars) and has been declared by the scholars of four schools in their books. "(Idem)

To attend the celebration it should not be, let alone to the Muslims who celebrate or make the show. Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said,

فإذا كان المسلمون قد اتفقوا على منعهم من إظهارها فكيف يسوغ للمسلمين فعلها أو ليس فعل المسلم لها أشد من فعل الكافر لها مظهرا لها

"The Muslims have had an agreement will not bolehnya pagans reveal their feast day in the middle of the Muslims. So how can the Muslims were allowed to celebrate? Or can I say that Muslims are not the problem of celebrating than infidels who celebrate openly ?! "(Iqtidha 'Ash Shirothil Mustaqim, 1: 510).

Ibn al-Qayyim rahimahullah said, "Should not Muslims by non-Muslims to attend the celebration of the scholars agreed. This has been affirmed by the fuqoha in their books. Narrated by al-Bayhaqi with a saheeh isnaad from 'Umar ibn al Khottob radi' anhu, he said,

لا تدخلوا على المشركين في كنائسهم يوم عيدهم فإن السخطة تنزل عليهم

"Do not go in the non-Muslims in their churches when their celebration. Because it was down the wrath of God. "

Umar said,

اجتنبوا أعداء الله في أعيادهم

"Stay away from the enemies of God in their celebration." Such words as these mentioned by Ibn al-Qayyim in Ahkam Experts dhimma.

So, invitation invitations christmas as it is illicit attended or fulfilled. Wa billahit taufiq
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