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I am a customer Sunnah already two years. There are things I want to ask. A woman my neighbor, she has the ability to see and dialogue with the genie, genie can even expel into the person's body. By law if justified? Because at the time of the Prophet no such examples? Women are not veiled.
Tri W,
Tarakan, East Kalimantan

Humans do not have the ability to see the genie in its original form, as Allaah says:

يا بني آدم لا يفتننكم الشيطان كما أخرج أبويكم من الجنة ينزع عنهما لباسهما ليريهما سوآتهما إنه يراكم هو وقبيله من حيث لا ترونهم إنا جعلنا الشياطين أولياء للذين لا يؤمنون

O son of Adam, do not you ever be duped by Satan as he has issued both a mother father of heaven, he took off from both his clothes to show both 'nakedness. Indeed he (the devil / demon) and his followers see you from where you can not see them. We have made the devils were leaders for people who do not believe. [al-A'raf: 27].

Word of Allah Almighty in this verse "Verily he (the devil / demon) and his followers see you from where you can not see them", shows that humans can not see the genie, ie in its original form. But seeing the genie incarnation, it can and has happened in the days of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam or later. When explaining faidah-faidah of the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah that captures demons, [1]. Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said: That the devil sometimes transformed with various forms so as to allow (man) to see it. And the word of Allah Ta'ala "Surely he (the devil / demon) and his tribe see you from where you can not see them (al-A'raf verse 27)", specifically if the form (the original) that God has created. [Fath Bari, hadith no explanation. 2311].

Likewise, dialogue with the jinn and drive genie that goes into a person's body, is a case that really happened. But the ability to do things above, not necessarily reflect the glory of Allah the Almighty. Because the glory of man in the sight of Allah is determined by piety to God.

If expel genie that goes into it is done according to the Shari'ah, then it is justified. And conversely, if menyelisihi shari'ah, then forbidden.

According to Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah, treat mashru '(people who are possessed by jinn) with mantras and prayers of protection there are two forms.

First: If the mantras and prayers of protection that includes the known meaning, and someone may say in Islam, the people pray to God, calling Him, speak to his creatures, [2] and the like, then surely someone should chant it to someone who is possessed by jinn and pray for protection (with him). For indeed been fixed in the (hadith) of the Prophet sallallaahu authentic 'alaihi wa sallam, that he allow spells for not shirk. And he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

من استطاع منكم أن ينفع أخاه فليفعل

Whoever is able to provide benefits to his brother, then let him do. [Reported by Muslim, no. 2199].

Second: If in the spells that there are sentences that are forbidden, as in it there is shirk or sentences that unknown means, it is possible in which there is disbelief, then one should not chant with him, or pray, or swear (him), although jinn sometimes go of people who possessed with spells like that. For indeed, what Allah and His Messenger forbade, the dangers outweigh the benefits. [Majmu 'Fataawa, 24 / 277-278].

Shaykh Umar Sulaiman Al Asyqar said, "The most well used to fight the genie into the human body is the recollection of God (dhikr Allah) and reading the Koran. And most of it is ayat seat, because the real people who read it will always be kept by the custodian of God, and he will not be approached by the devil until dawn, as saheeh hadeeth about it ". [Alamul Jin wasy Syayathin, p. 180, works of Shaykh Umar Sulaiman Al Asyqar, Publisher Darun Nafais].

Genesis issued a genie from a person's body is also in the days of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. As indicated by the following hadith:

عن عثمان بن أبي العاص قال لما استعملني رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم على الطائف جعل يعرض لي شيء في صلاتي حتى ما أدري ما أصلي فلما رأيت ذلك رحلت إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقال ابن أبي العاص قلت نعم يا رسول الله قال ما جاء بك قلت يا رسول الله عرض لي شيء في صلواتي حتى ما أدري ما أصلي قال ذاك الشيطان ادنه فدنوت منه فجلست على صدور قدمي قال فضرب صدري بيده وتفل في فمي وقال اخرج عدو الله ففعل ذلك ثلاث مرات ثم قال الحق بعملك قال فقال عثمان فلعمري ما أحسبه خالطني بعد

Of Uthman ibn Abil 'Ash, he said: When the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam make me governor in Ta'if, there was something that came to me in my prayers, so I do not know my prayers. When I saw it, I went to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He asked, "(It) Ibn Abil 'Ash?" I replied, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah." He asked, "What caused you to come?" I replied, "O, Messenger of Allah. There was something that came to me in my prayers, so I do not know my prayers. "He said," It is the devil, come closer to you! "So I approached him, and then I sat on the ends of my feet. Then he hit my chest with his hand and spit in my mouth, and said, "Come out, O enemy of God!" He did it three times, then said, "Go back to your job".
Uthman said, "Indeed, I did not expected it mengangguku after that." [Reported by Ibn Majah, no. 3548, classed as saheeh by Shaykh Al Albani].

[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 06 / Year IX / 1426H / 2005. Published Standing Committee Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Solo Purwodadi Km.8 Selokaton Gondanrejo 57 183 Tel. 0271-761016]
[1]. This hadith hadith been published in the magazine section Sunnah, edition 10 / Th. I / 1415H / 1994 AD, with the title "Fadhilah Section Chairs" Ustadz Abdul Hakim Abdat posts hafizhahullah
[2]. This is what is written in the book of Majmu'atul Fataawa (12/385): مخاطبا لخلقه, but in the book Fath Jam'i Mannan Fi Kalami Islamic Syaikhil Ibni Taymiyya 'Anil Jaan, p. 436, works of Shaykh Hasan Salman Masyhur, written مخاطبا لخالقه (speaking to the Creator)
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