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Repentance People Who Come Shaman, salvation Pregnant Women

Repentance People Who Come Shaman, salvation Pregnant Women


Is there a legal basis for safety of pregnancy, such as 3-monthly or monthly 7 (mitoni (In. Java). In the event accompanied by readings diba '. Frankly I have never read about the history of salvation as well at the time of the Prophet. Please explain.

Salvation of pregnancy, such as 3-monthly or monthly 7, does not exist in Islam. It includes a new case in the religion, and all the new cases in the religion is heresy, and all heresy is heresy. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:

وإياكم ومحدثات الأمور فإن كل محدثة بدعة وكل بدعة ضلالة

Stay away from all the new cases (in religion), because all new cases (in religion) is a heresy, and all heresy is heresy. [Reported by Abu Dawud, no. 4607; Tirmidhi, 2676; Ad Darimi; Ahmad; and another from Al 'Irbadh bin Sariyah].

Then, if salvation is accompanied by the belief pregnancy will bring salvation and goodness, and vice versa if not done will cause a disaster or evil, then such a belief is polytheism. Due to safety and disaster actually it was only in the hands of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala alone.

Allah says:

قل أتعبدون من دون الله ما لا يملك لكم ضرا ولا نفعا والله هو السميع العليم

Say: "Why do you worship other than Allah, something that can not give harm to you and not (also) give are the benefits?". And Allah is the All-Hearing, the Knowing. [Al Maidah: 76].

Likewise, the reading diba 'during the pereyaan, or otherwise, has no basis in Islam. Because at the time of the Prophet Muhammad n and friends, diba it does not exist. Diba 'which is meant is Mawlid Ad Daiba'ii, the book contains the story of the birth of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, and praise and flattery to him. Many compliments were ghuluw (excessive, over the limit). For example, as the words:

فجري الجبين ليلي الذوآئب * الفي الأنف ميمي الفم نوني الحاجب *
سمعه يسمع صرير القلم بصره إلي السبع الطباق ثاقب *

Forehead He (the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) like the dawn, before he hair like night, he shaped nose (letter) alif, his mouth shaped (letter) meme, he shaped eyebrows (letter) nun, hearing voices he heard Qolam ( pen that writes taqdir), a view he penetrates seven layers (heaven or earth). [See Majmu'atul Mawalid, p. 9, without the publisher's name. This book is sold in bookstores-religious bookstore].

The sentence "He heard the sound of hearing Qolam (pen that writes taqdir)", if that meant at the time of Ascension course, it is true, as has been mentioned in the hadiths about the Ascension. However, if at any time, then this is a sentence that is over the limit. In fact it seems, so this is intended, with the argument of the next sentence, that sentence "He views penetrate the seven layers (heaven or earth)". And the second sentence is also praise ghuluw (over the limit). For indeed the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not know the unseen matter. Who knows the unseen matter is God Almighty. Allah says:

قل لا يعلم من في السماوات والأرض الغيب إلا الله وما يشعرون أيان يبعثون

Say: "No one in the heavens and on earth knows the unseen matter, except God", and they do not know when they will be resurrected. [An Naml: 65].

'Aisha radi' anha, wife of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, never received a nasty accusations on events "haditsul ifk". And the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not know the truth of these allegations, until then down the preaching of God in Surat an-Nur who cleans' Aisha from the vile accusations. And the book contains Daiba'ii Ad Mawlid hadith of Nur (light) Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, that it is false hadiths.

In the event Bai'atur Ridwan, the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam did not know the nature of the news of the death of Uthman ibn' Affan radi 'anhu, so there Bai'atur Ridwan. However it turns out, it's time Uthman radi 'anhu still alive. Even Allah wa Ta'ala commanded His Messenger Subahnahu to announce:

قل لآأقول لكم عندى خزآئن الله ولآأعلم الغيب

Say: "I do not say to you, that the treasury of God is upon me, and not (too) I know the unseen." [Al-An'am: 50].

Based on the explanation above, how could someone may say "He views penetrate the seven layers (heaven or earth)"?

Hopefully the answer is enough for us. The conclusion that we can take, that the salvation of pregnancy and reading diba 'including immoral acts, because it includes innovation.

Repentance people come Shaman

Ana want to ask legal issues pagan shaman came ana ask whether someone will be forgiven repentance God and how repentance ?.

Shaman came to believe the truth, including the act of kufr. However, if the perpetrator has to repent, God will accept the repentance of His servants who have committed kufr, as his word:

Say to those who disbelieve: "If they cease (from disbelief), Allah will forgive them of their sins were already past; and if they come back again real will apply (to them) Sunnah (God's) people -the first ". [Al-Anfal: 38]

How to qualify acceptance of repentance which has been described by scholars, namely:
1. Ikhlas to God with repentance to seek keridhoanNya and hope Allah accepts the repentance
2. Regretting his actions
3. Leaving
4. Determined not to repeat
5. repentance is done before the rejection of the entire human repentance. This period in the review of the two sides:

(A). From the actors themselves, then time repentance before death. If repent after death's door, then repentance is not accepted. This is described in the Word of God.

And that repentance is not acceptable to God than those who do evil (that) until when death comes to one of them, (then) he said: "Verily I repent now" And not (also accepted repentance) of people who die they were in disbelief. For people that have We provide a painful punishment. [An-Nisa: 18]

(B) .From the people in general. Prophet stated:

الهجرة لا تنقطع حتى تنقطع التوبة ولا تنقطع التوبة حتى تطلع الشمس من مغربها

Hijrah is not interrupted until the breaking of repentance, and repentance is not interrupted until the sun rises from the west. [Abu Dawud no. 2479 and in Musnad Ahmad (3/99) and classed as saheeh Sheikh Al Albani in Saheeh al-Jami 'no. 7469]

When the sun rose from the west, the repentance of a servant is not useful, as affirmed God in His Word.

That they are waiting to see nothing but the arrival of the angel to them (to kill them), or the arrival of your Lord or partial arrival signs of your Lord is not bermanfa'at another person's faith for himself which have not been faithful before that, or he (yet) seeking the good of faith in future. Say: "Wait ye ​​indeed, we were waiting (too)". [Al-An'am: 158]

In conclusion, if a person makes any disobedience in the form of kufr, large or small sin, then repent properly then Allah is the One oft repentance.

The case in question was, as long as there has been no verdict rejecting the person in syar'i, it is enough to repent without having to say creed back.

Maraji 'answers.
- Sharh Riyadhus Sholihin works Sheikh Mohammad bin Sholih Al Uthaymeen, first printed in 1415 H, Dar Al Wathon, Riyadh.

[Copied from the magazine edition of As-Sunnah 12 / Year VIII / 1426H / 2005M Published Standing Committee Foundation Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo - Purwodadi Km. 8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57 183 Tel. 08121533647, 08157579296]
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